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Konstantin Nikolaevich Rozen Papers, 1890-1939 350 items 2 boxes; 1 oversized map case
- Creator
- Rozen, Konstantin Nikolaevich, 1883-approximately 1950
- Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts and memoirs, documents, minutes of meetings, financial records, photographs, maps, and printed materials. Cataloged correspondents include Grand Duke Nikolaĭ Nikolaevich and General Petr Wrangel. Manuscripts include memoirs by Konstantin Rozen on his military service from 1902-1917, and a memoir by F. N. Bui︠a︡k entitled "Vospominanii︠a︡ starogo kavalergarda 1885-1902." Subject files are on Kadry Voĭsk Ofit︠s︡erov (Cadres of Military Officers) in Belgrade and Soi︠u︡z Russkikh Ofit︠s︡erov (Union of Russian Officers), emigre Russian military organizations. Documents concern Rozen's family and estate in Vitebsk province. Minutes of meetings concern the Kavalergardskai︠a︡ Semi︠́a︡ (Cavalry Guard Family). Financial records cover the fundraising activities of Soi︠u︡z Russkikh Ofit︠s︡erov and the estate. Photographs are of the estate, and maps are of the Vitebsk region and the estate grounds. Printed materials concern the estate and the above mentioned military organizations, and include copies of the news bulletin"Vestnik Kavalergardskoĭ Semí.".
- Collection Context
Maria A. and Nikolai V. Sviatopolk-Mirskii Papers, 1729-1980 1000 items 5 boxes
- Creator
- Svi︠a︡topolk-Mirskiĭ, Nikolaĭ Vladimirovich, kni︠a︡zʹ , 1899-1982
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, printed materials, and coins of Marii︠a︡ A. Svi︠a︡topolk-Mirskai︠a︡ and her son Nikolaĭ V. Svi︠a︡topolk Mirskiĭ. The correspondence is primarily from members of the Imperial family (such as Grand Duke Nikolaĭ Nikolaevich and dowager Empress Marii︠a︡ Fedorovna) to Marii︠a︡ Svi︠a︡topolk-Mirskai︠a︡. Most of it dates from the 1920's and 1930's and much of it is mounted in scrapbooks. The manuscripts include Basil Strandman's "Balkan Reminiscences." Among the documents are diplomas, certificates, passports and Imperial decrees dating back to 1832. The photographs include a photograph of Metropolitan Evlogiĭ and several dozen copies of Imperial family photographs. There are also many photographs of paintings, icons and architecture. The subject files consist of materials relating to the Notbek family, the Mariĭnskoe Sestrichestvo (to which Marii︠a︡ Svi︠a︡topolk-Mirskai︠a︡ belonged), and the Iverskai︠a︡ Church in Belgrade. Among the printed materials are 12 issues of "Khudozhestvennye Sokrovishcha Rossii" (1901)"Mʹemoires du regne de Catherine.."(Amsterdam, 1729), and "Thʹeâtre de l'Hermitage de Catherine II.."(Paris, 1799?).
- Collection Context
Ol'ga Ivanovna Subbotina Papers, 1846-1954 6.5 linear feet 8 manuscript boxes; 1 half manuscript box; 6 flat boxes
- Creator
- Subbotina, Olǵa Ivanovna, 1886-1963
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, documents, diaries and notebooks, photographs, printed materials and memorabilia of Olga Ivanovna Subbotina (or Soubbotine, 1886-1963), her grandmother, Mariia Sergeevna Benckendorff, and her sister, Elizaveta Ivanovna Taube (Mrs. Harold Roberts). The correspondence includes letters and telegrams of Aleksandra Fedorovna, Empress of Russia. The letters of Mariia Benckendorff's son, Vasilii Dolgorukov, provide information about the Imperial family in 1916-1918. There are diaries and notebooks of Marii Benckendorff, Pavel Konstantinovich Benkendorff, Ol'ga Subbotina and Elizaveta Taube. Among the documents are IDs, birth and marriage certificates, passports, wills, etc. Financial and legal documents include a file entitled "Claim against the National Bank of New York", which contains material about the exile of the Imperial family to Tobolsk and Ekaterinburg, as do other folders. There are photographs of immediate and extended family members, Nicholas II and his family and European royalty. There is also family and Alexandra Fedorovna's, Empress of Russia, memorabilia.
- Collection Context
Russkii Natsional'nyi Komitet Records, 1917-1960 32000 items 85 boxes
- Creator
- Russkīĭ nat︠s︡īonalʹnyĭ komitet (France)
- Abstract Or Scope
The collection contains RNK correspondence, documents, photographs, subject files, organizational records and printed materials. There are letters from Boris Bakhmeteff, Pavel and Petr Dolgorukov, Zinaida Gippius, Aleksandr Kutepov, Dmitrii Merezhovskii, Bernard Pares, Ariadna Tyrkova-Williams, George Vernadsky, and Petr Vrangel. There is a short essay by Aleksandra Tolstaia about her father. The manuscripts relate to political, historical and sociological issues. Most of the subject files relate to emigre organizations other than the RNK, while those of the RNK are classified into files of financial records, bulletins, minutes and lists of names and addresses. Among the printed materials are brochures and pamphlets, clippings, newspapers, and books.
- Collection Context