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Aleksandr Bakhrakh papers, 1922-1983

2500 items
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Letters received by A. V. Bakhrakh which discuss 20th century Russian literature, contemporary Slavic studies, and Russian emigre publishing activities. Correspondents include Andrei Belyi (Boris Bugaev), Ivan Bunin, Kornei Chukovskii, Andre Gide and Boris Pilniak. There are over 300 letters by Gleb Struve wtitten from 1964 to 1983, which cover the above topics as well as Struve's personal and professional life. There are both letters and manuscripts by Vladislav Khodasevich, Aleksei Remizov and Marina Tsvetaeva.

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Aleksei Fedorovich and Liubov Aleksandrovna Girs Papers, 1913-1963

0.5 linear feet
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One letter, manuscripts, and printed materials of Aleksei Fedorovich Girs and of his wife, Liubov' Aleksandrovna Girs. The letter, dated 1914, when Girs was governor of Minsk, is addressed to N. A. Maklakov. Aleksei Gir's memoirs cover such topics as his service in Estland; Petr Stolypin; the "Jewish question;" Tsar Nicholas II; and independent Estonia, where he lived in 1918-1924. There are also two reports by Girs from the time of his service in Minsk. ́Liubov Girs is represented by diaries and memoirs from 1901-1918, particularly on Odessa in 1905-1906; Stolypin's murder in 1911; and Nizhny Novgorod in 1917.

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Anatolii Petrovich Vel'min Papers, 1940-1963

3300 items
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Correspondence, manuscripts, subject files and printed materials of Velḿin. The correspondence includes letters from Mark Aldanov, Mikhail Karpovich, Ekaterina Kuskova, Vasiliĭ Maklakov, Mikhail Taube, and Mark Weĭnbaum. Most of the manuscripts are by Velḿin himself and concern the Russian emigration in Poland, the 1917 Revolution and Civil War, and German concentration camps during World War II. The collection likewise contains Velḿin's diary (handwritten in eleven volumes) covering the 1900-1960 period. There are subject files devoted to Vasiliĭ Maklakov and to the activities of the Russian scouts, and there are numerous publications, such as journals, pamphlets, clippings and books.

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Anatolii Vasil'evich Baikalov Papers, 1918-1959

6200 items
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Correspondence, manuscripts, and documents created during Baikalov's sojourn in England, from about 1918 on. There is correspondence with major Russian emigres such as Aleksandr Guchkov, Aleksandr Kerenskii, Boris Nikolaevskii, and Marc Slonim, and with British figures such as Malcolm Muggeridge, the Duchess of Atholl, Sir Bernard Pares, and Sidney Webb.

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Ariadna Vladimirovna Tyrkova-Williams Papers, 1897-1961

14 Linear Feet
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, subject files and printed material of Russian émigré writer, journalist, and Kadet Party leader Ariadna Vladimirovna Tyrkova-Williams. The collection also contains material by her husband, Harold Williams, and her son, Arkadiĭ Borman.
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Boris Aleksandrovich Bakhmeteff Papers, 1914-1951

34000 items
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, subject files and printed materials. The greater part of the collection concerns the period 1917-22, with a substantial amount of material on the Humanities Fund and Bakhmeteff's friendships with prominent Americans. Cataloged materials include 50 or more letters from John Spargo, Vasilii Maklakov, Ekaterina Kuskova, Frederic Coudert, Georgii L'vov and Michael Karpovich (the last largely concerning the Humanities Fund); there are also a few items by Louis Brandeis, John Foster Dulles, Samuel Gompers, Colonel Edward House, Charles Lindbergh, and Thomas Masaryk. Extensive files of arranged materials include hundreds of letters by Arkadii Zak (who headed the Russian Information Bureau in New York, 1917-22), items to and by Sergei Uget, and official telegrams from 1917-22. There are manuscripts in the collection by Bakhmeteff, Spargo, Uget and Sergei Prokopovich. Subject files chiefly cover the Civil War period, the Paris Peace Conference, the Humanities Fund and Soviet Russia in the early 1920s. Printed materials include pamphlets, journals and clippings. There are also bound reports by different departments of the Russian embassy and mission from 1917 through the 1920s. In addition, the collection contains an oil portrait of Bakhmeteff by the artist Nicolas Becker.

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Dmitrii Nikolaevich Liubimov Papers, 1918-1954

2.5 linear feet
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Papers of Dmitrii Nikolaevich Liubimov, consisting of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and printed materials. Correspondents include Vasilii Maklakov and Boris Zaitsev, and there is a document signed by Boris Savinkov. Manuscripts include Liubimov's memoirs of his years in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, "Russkaia smuta nachala deviatisotykh godov (1902-1906)", and others by him on many topics, often based on his personal experiences. Liubimov scrapbooks from the emigration include notes and clippings on various topics. There are materials relating to the activities of his wife, Liudmila Ivanovna, as representative of the Russian Red Cross in Poland in 1919-1922, including correspondence and a photograph album.

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Ekaterina Nikolaevna Roshchina-Insarova Papers, 1907-1950

500 items
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The collection includes correspondence from Konstantin Balḿont, Nikolaĭ Evreĭnov, Zinaida Gippius, Georgiĭ Grebenshchikov, Vasiliĭ Maklakov, Sergeĭ Potresov and Nadezhda Teffi. There is one letter each from Boris Bakhmeteff, Vera Bunina, Aleksandr Grechaninov, Aleksandr Kuprin and Alekseĭ Tolstoĭ. The manuscripts include poems and a play scenario by Nadezhda Teffi as well as Roshchina-Insarova's autobiographical essays and article about Sergeĭ Lifar.́ In addition, there are three scrapbooks containing clippings and programs of Roshchina-Insarova's performances, and approximately 40 photographs of her.

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Il'ia Grigor'evich Savchenko Papers, 1920-1955

9 Linear Feet
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The papers of Il'ia Grigor'evich Savchenko (1889-1961). The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, caricatures, and materials relating to a number of Russian émigré organizations. The materials relating to émigré organizations include correspondence, financial records, and mimeographed textbooks prepared by the professors of the Russkii iuridicheskii fakul'tet v Prage (Russian Juridical Institute in Prague), and correspondence and printed materials of the Soiuz ob"edinenii russkikh okonchivshikh vysshie uchebnye asvedeniia (OROVUZ; Union of Societies of Russians Who Have Graduated from Institutes of Higher Education), which Savchenko headed. In addition, there are materials relating to other émigré groups in Europe and the United States with which Savchenko was associated.

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Isidor L'vovich Tsitron Papers, 1940-1960

15 items
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This small collection consists of correspondence, a short typescript biography of T︠S︡itron by an unidentified author, and clippings of articles by T︠S︡itron in emigre Russian newpapers. Correspondence includes one letter each by Mark Aldanov and Oskar Gruzenberg, and nine by Vasiliĭ Maklakov.

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