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Brander Matthews papers, 1827-1967

65 boxes (65 boxes)
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, memorabilia, scrapbooks, and printed material. Among his correspondents represented in the collection by at least 75 items are: William Archer, Hobart C. Chatfield-Taylor, Augustin Daly, Austin Dobson, Hamlin Garland, Bronson Howard, William Dean Howells, Henry Arthur Jones, Henry Cabot Lodge and Thomas Raynesford Lounsbury. There are bound volumes of letters from Henry C. Bunner, Andrew Lang, Rudyard Kipling, Theodore Roosevelt, miscellaneous letters to Matthews, and Matthews' editorial correspondence with the North American Review. There are three boxes of manuscripts, including poems by 21 authors; essays on drama; and plays by Henry Arthur Jones, Don Marquis, and Matthews; bound volumes of manuscripts of Matthews' plays and his book, "Development for the Drama." Also included are 17 boxes of his manuscript notes for his many lectures, articles, and books; and memorabilia, primarily from the theatre and from his life at Columbia. Material on the Dunlap Society, which was devoted to printing works relating to the theater, of which Matthews was co-founder with Laurence Hutton, includes documents and correspondence, much of which is between then secretary Evert J. Wendell and members on meetings and other Society business around 1914. In addition, there are notes and correspondence of Herbert Kleinfield relating to his research on Matthews.

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Brander Matthews papers, 1827-1967 65 boxes (65 boxes)

Edward Morse Shepard papers, 1837-1914

26000 items (2 volumes, 79 boxes)
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Correspondence, legal papers, and letter books of Shepard. The correspondence, which comprises the largest part of the collection, is rich in information about New York politics and social activities at the turn of the century. The letter books cover the years 1890-1911. The collection also contains legal papers, drafts of speeches, clippings, and memorabilia. Correspondents with Shepard include Felix Adler, Thomas Willing Balch, Frederic Bancroft, Bernard Baruch, Richard Rogers Bowker, William Jennings Bryan, Alfred Clark Chapin, Grover Cleveland, Hamlin Garland, Richard Watson Gilder, Edward Everett Hale, Fletcher Harper, Abram S. Hewitt, Charles Evans Hughes, John La Farge, Henry Cabot Lodge, Josephine Shaw Lowell, Hamilton Mabie, Walter H. Page, Alton B. Parker, George Foster Peabody, Bliss Perry, Joseph Pulitzer, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Franklin D. Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, Elihu Root, Carl Schurz, Kate Nichols Trask, Oswald Garrison Villard, and Booker T. Washington.

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Edward Morse Shepard papers, 1837-1914 26000 items (2 volumes, 79 boxes)

Edward Van Dyke Robinson papers, 1884-1915

5 linear feet (11 boxes)
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Papers of Robinson, covering his secondary and college education (1884-1895), his early positions as a high school principal (1895-1907), his academic post at University of Minnesota, and his first three months at Columbia University. Robinson's incoming correspondence includes some originals and carbon copies of his own letters, related papers, clippings, and memorabilia. The papers deal with a wide range of public affairs issues on the local, state, national, and international levels. Letters with federal officials and legislators, 1898-1907, include those of Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, concerning U.S. foreign policy in the Pacific Ocean, particularly the possible acquisition of the Caroline Islands. For the period 1907-1915, topics include charities, civic associations, U.S. tariff reform, and U.S. bank reform. Other letters relate to family, personal, and social matters; to academic posts, including letters of recommendation; to European trips as a delegate at the 1909 Darwin Centennial and the 1914 University of Leipzig's 500th anniversary; to membership in professional associations; to writings; to secondary education including offical reports while he was principal at St. Paul Central High School; and correspondence with other economists.

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Edward Van Dyke Robinson papers, 1884-1915 5 linear feet (11 boxes)

Eugene Barry papers, 1848-1928

2.5 linear feet (5 boxes, 1 oversized volume, 2 oversized folders)
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Correspondence, poetry manuscripts, diaries, notebooks, address books, documents, photographs, and scrapbooks of clippings of Eugene Barry. The correspondence concerns his published poetry, the leather tanning business, and family affairs. The diaries reflect his active business life and travels from 1864 until 1926. There are photographs of members of the Barry, Clark, Wyman, and other related families, and of friends and actresses. The four scrapbooks contain clippings of poetry, obituaries, local news of Lynn, Mass., World War I, and other subjects. Among the correspondents are Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Cabot Lodge, Ellen Louise Chandler Moulton, Booker T. Washington, and John Greenleaf Whittier.

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Eugene Barry papers, 1848-1928 2.5 linear feet (5 boxes, 1 oversized volume, 2 oversized folders)

William Peterfield Trent papers, 1800-1941

2 linear feet (3 boxes)
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs and printed materials. The correspondence is with American and English literary figures and Columbia faculty members. Included are 38 letters from Brander Matthews and 4 from Edmund Gosse. There are 5 letters from Trent to George Whicher, 3 to John Hart, and 180 postcards and letters to John Bell Henneman, as well as a group of miscellaneous letters to and from Trent. Also included are a holograph fair copy of Trent's poem "Germany, 1915" with his covering a.l.s. and several miscellaneous poems; and his contract with J.B. Lippincott Co. for the publication of GEORGE SAND. There are also two documents signed by George W. Maynard. Among the photographs is a photograph album, prepared by Hudson Stuck in 1899, of people and scenes from Dallas, Texas. Among the printed materials are Trent's examinations and outlines for English courses, and THE UNPOPULAR REVIEW with numerous pages of Trent's notes

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William Peterfield Trent papers, 1800-1941 2 linear feet (3 boxes)