The collection consists of correspondence from such ballet and theater personalities as Sergeĭ Khudi︠a︡kov, Sergeĭ Lifar,́ Nadezhda Nikolaeva-Legat, Alekander Sanin and Vera Trefilova. There is also one letter each from Zinaida Gippi︠u︡s, Nadezhda Teffi, Boris Zaĭt︠s︡ev and Vladimir Zeeler. In addition, there are several typed manuscripts by Pleshcheev, including his book-length biography of E.N. Roschina-Insarova, and clippings of newspaper articles by Pleshcheev.
Letters received by A. V. Bakhrakh which discuss 20th century Russian literature, contemporary Slavic studies, and Russian emigre publishing activities. Correspondents include Andrei Belyi (Boris Bugaev), Ivan Bunin, Kornei Chukovskii, Andre Gide and Boris Pilniak. There are over 300 letters by Gleb Struve wtitten from 1964 to 1983, which cover the above topics as well as Struve's personal and professional life. There are both letters and manuscripts by Vladislav Khodasevich, Aleksei Remizov and Marina Tsvetaeva.
Correspondence and manuscripts of Zaĭt︠s︡ev. This collection covers from the 1920's into the 1960's. There is correspondence from many other emigre writers. The largest groups of cataloged letters are by Mark Aldanov (105 items), Ivan Bunin (161), Archimandrite Kiprian (104), Alekseĭ Remizov (48), and Nadezhda Teffi (101). There are also items by Boris Bugaev (Andreĭ Belyĭ), Vi︠a︡cheslav Ivanov, Vladislav Khodasevich, Sergeĭ Lifaŕ and Boris Pasternak. Zaĭt︠s︡ev's manuscripts in the collection include some of his major works, such as "Puteshestvie Gleba" "Dom v Passi" "Zhizn ́Turgeneva" and "Zhukovskiĭ". In addition, the collection has a book and a pamphlet, both inscribed by Zaĭt︠s︡ev.
Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and printed materials of Surguchev. The papers almost exclusively concern Surguchev's life in emigration; he lived in France from the 1920s onward. Correspondents include Ivan Bunin, Nikolaĭ Evreĭnov, Aleksandr Kuprin, and Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko. There are manuscripts of plays, stories, and film scenarios by Surguchev in Russian, French, and English. Documents include literary contracts, and one contract signed by Sergeĭ Lifar ́concerning a film scenario by Surguchev and Ivan Lukash. There are photographs of Surguchev and of scenes from his plays, and a subject file on the Russian Chamber Theater (Kamernyĭ Teatr) in Prague, 1922-23. Among the printed materials are many clippings of pieces by Surguchev, and his play "Igra" and pamphlet "Bolśheviki v Stavropole."
The papers of Il'ia Grigor'evich Savchenko (1889-1961). The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, caricatures, and materials relating to a number of Russian émigré organizations. The materials relating to émigré organizations include correspondence, financial records, and mimeographed textbooks prepared by the professors of the Russkii iuridicheskii fakul'tet v Prage (Russian Juridical Institute in Prague), and correspondence and printed materials of the Soiuz ob"edinenii russkikh okonchivshikh vysshie uchebnye asvedeniia (OROVUZ; Union of Societies of Russians Who Have Graduated from Institutes of Higher Education), which Savchenko headed. In addition, there are materials relating to other émigré groups in Europe and the United States with which Savchenko was associated.
Correspondence, manuscripts, subject files, and printed materials. Cataloged correspondents in the collection include Georgii Adamovich, Mstislav Dobuzhinskii, and Sergei Lifar'. Manuscripts consist of typed copies of Pierre Kovalevskii's extensive diaries, which begin in Petrograd in 1918 and continue to 1973; the only missing years are 1961-1969. Subject files chiefly concern emigre organizations with which Evgraf was involved, especially the Russian Academic Group (Russkaia Akademicheskaia Gruppa) and the Russian Committee of United Organizations (Russkii Komitet Obʺedinennykh Organizatsii). Post-World War II organizational files of Petr Kovalevskii are on the Society for the Preservation of Russian Cultural Valuables (Obschestvo Okhraneniia Russkikh Kul'turnykh TSennostei), and the Committee to Commemorate the 250th Anniversary of St. Petersburg (IUbileinyi Komitet Oznamenovaniia 250-ti letiia St. Peterburga).
Current results range from 1870 to 1983