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Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences Records, 1927-1934 110 linear feet 88 boxes
- Creator
- Encyclopaedia of the social sciences
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence; original manuscripts, translations and drafts of articles: organizational files and business records. Widely supported by the American European Intellectual communities, correspondents and contributors include Ruth Benedict, Franz Boas, Max Eastman, Felix Frankfurter, Carl J. Friedrich, Louis R. Gottschalk, Melville J. Herskovitz, Granville Hicks, Sidney Hook, John Maynard Keyes, Kenneth S. Latourette, Max Lerner, Bronislaw Malinowski, Karl Manheim, Margaret Mead, Paul Miliukov, Lewis Mumford, Joseph Needham, Frederick Law Olmstead, Henri Pirenne, Roscoe Pound, Edward Sapir, and Arthur M. Schlesinger. Note, however, that many of the more famous authors wrote only one article for the encyclopaedia, and their correspondence files are accordingly small.
- Collection Context
Frederic Dannay papers, 1920-1982 85 linear feet 190 boxes, 1 flat box, 1 mapcase folder
- Creator
- Dannay, Frederic, 1905-1982
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, outlines and drafts, manuscripts, letters of agreement, contracts, photographs, artwork, and memorabilia. The collection is divided into two parts: the Frederic Dannay papers and the files of ELLERY QUEEN'S MYSTERY MAGAZINE (EQMM). The Dannay papers consist of extensive correspondence with most of the notable mystery writers of this century, as well as well-known authors who sometimes wrote in that genre: Isaac Asimov; Lawrence Block; Ray Bradbury; Pearl S Buck; Edgar Rice Burroughs; James M. Cain; Raymond Chandler; Agatha Christie, etc. Most of the novels and short stories written by Dannay and Lee are represented in manuscript form: "The Roman Hat Mystery;" "Ten Day's Wonder;" "Cat of Many Tails;" "The Scarlet Letters;" "The Glass Village;" "The Player on the Other Side;" "And on the Eighth Day" etc. In addition, there are the manuscripts of books edited by Ellery Queen; manuscripts by Ellery Queen Jr.; scripts by Ellery Queen; poetry by Dannay; contracts between Dannay and Lee, as well as between them both as Ellery Queen and numerous parties. There are also manuscripts by such notables as Jorge Luis Borges; Erskine Caldwell; Raymond Chandler; Agatha Christie; Stanley Ellin; William Faulkner; Dashiell Hammett; O Henry; Nigel Morland; Georges Simenon; Muriel Spark; Julian Symons; Roy Vickers; and Cornell Woolrich.
- Collection Context
Gerald Sykes papers, 1921-1984 42 linear feet 57 boxes 155 volumes 1 oversize folder
- Creator
- Sykes, Gerald, 1903-
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, notebooks, documents, photographs, course-related materials, and printed materials. The manuscripts include typescripts of Sykes' published and unpublished novels, monographs, plays, short stories, and articles. Among these are The Perennial Avant Garde, The Cool Millennium, and The Hidden Remnant. Sykes' notes and notebooks span the period from the early 1930s to 1980, and include preliminary ideas and sketches for his books, as well as autobiographical material. A small number of documents concern Sykes' wartime work in the U.S. Government Office of War Information. Course-related material including writings and correspondence of students taught by Sykes between 1962 and 1975 at the New School and as an adjunct professor at Columbia University. Printed materials consist of numerous reviews of Sykes' books, in addition to offprints and articles by Sykes. Included as well are printed materials about or connected with Sykes, offprints of articles inscribed to him, and many volumes from his library. The substantial correspondence series includes personal letters and correspondence with agents and publishers relating to his books. Correspondents include Harold Clurman, Aaron Copland, Lawrence Durrell, Georgia O'Keeffe, and Francis Steegmuller, as well as a number of Sykes' students. There is extensive correspondence between Sykes and the artist John Hartell from 1927 to 1983.
- Collection Context
Joseph Barnes papers, 1907-1970, bulk 1923-1970 18.5 linear feet 40 boxes
- Creator
- Barnes, Joseph, 1907-1970
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, dispatches, documents, clippings and other printed materials concerning his career as an editor and correspondent for the New York Herald Tribune in Moscow, Berlin and New York, as a staff member of the Institute of Pacific Relations from 1932 to 1934, as deputy director in the Office of War Information overseas branch, 1941-44, as an owner and editor of the New York Star, 1948-49, as an instructor in communications at Sarah Lawrence College, 1950-1951, as a book editor at Simon and Schuster, Publishers, 1951-1970, and as an author and translator.
- Collection Context
Joseph Marks papers about Anne Frank, 1950-1999 1.5 linear feet 3 manuscript boxes
- Creator
- Marks, Joseph
- Abstract Or Scope
These files concern the publication of Anne Frank: the Diary of a Young Girl in 1952, the dramatization of this diary and the subsequent legal disputes with Meyer Levin over the play, and the motion picture made from the play. They also deal with the activities of the Anne Frank Foundation, primarily support for the renovation of the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam and the programs of the International Anne Frank Youth Center. These files include 145 letters from her father, Otto Frank, and letters from Alfred Kazin, Max Lerner, Meyer Levin, and Eleanor Roosevelt. There are also seven letters from Adela Rogers St. Johns and related materials about her own books and the 1963 volume of minutes of the Doubleday & Co. Publishing Committee.
- Collection Context
M. Lincoln Schuster papers, 1913-1976 300 boxes 300 boxes
- Creator
- Schuster, M. Lincoln (Max Lincoln), 1897-1970
- Abstract Or Scope
Schuster's correspondence including letters from authors Bernard Berenson, Will and Ariel Durant, Max Eastman, Nikos Kazantzakis, Max Lerner, Henry Miller, Bertrand Russell, and Louis Untermeyer; advertisements and other material relating to Pocket Books, Inc. which was owned by Simon & Schuster; and an author and title file containing correspondence, comments, and reviews of Simon & Schuster publications, and miscellaneous notes, clippings, photographs, manuscripts, and printed material.
- Collection Context
Vanguard Press records, circa 1925-1985 134 linear feet 227 boxes 24 flat boxes (preservation cases)
- Creator
- Vanguard Press
- Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of the editorial and production archives of Vanguard Press: correspondence, manuscripts, contracts, memoranda, galley proofs, photographs, clippings, and printed materials. The correspondence and editorial files contain a wealth of detailed information about individual authors and the growth and development of the Press. Among the cataloged correspondents are: Nelson Algren, Saul Bellow, Stephen Vincent Benét, William Rose Benét; Phyllis Bottome; Pierre Boulle; Jocelyn Brooke; Cyril Connolly; A.J. Cronin; Nigel Dennis; John Dewey; Max Eastman; James T. Farrell; Vardis Fisher; Richard Garnett; Theodor Seuss Geisel; Louis Golding; Paul Goodman; Horace Gregory; Geoffrey Grigson; Lillian Hellman; William Heyen; Harold L. Ickes; Christopher Isherwood; Alfred Kazin; Philip Lamantia; Sinclair Lewis; Emanuel Litvinoff; Dwight Macdonald; Archibald MacLeish; Marshall McLuhan; Thomas Mann; Edgar Lee Masters; H. L. Mencken; William Meredith; Joyce Carol Oates; Katherine Anne Porter; Barbara Pym; William Sansom; William Saroyan; Ramon J. Sender; Upton Sinclair; Rex Stout; Edith Sitwell; Paul Theroux; Lionel Trilling; Harry S. Trumam; Louis Untermeyer; Eudora Welty; Richard Wilbur; and Thornton Wilder. There are some manuscripts by Bellow; Bottome; Boulle; Farrell; Grigson; Litvinoff; MacDonald; Oates; John Cowper Powys; Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.; Patrick Tanner; William Targ; Theroux; and Sitwell.
- Collection Context