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Herbert Wallace Schneider papers, 1923-1938

0.24 Linear Feet 1 box
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Correspondence, reports, and course materials of Schneider. The correspondence is routine in nature, except for several letters from Sterling Power Lamprecht, and none of Schneider's manuscripts are in the collection.

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Herbert Wallace Schneider papers, 1923-1938 0.24 Linear Feet 1 box

James Gutmann papers, 1917-1988

3 linear feet 6 manuscript boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, memorabilia, photographs, audio cassette, and printed materials. The papers are chiefly professional in nature, concerning teaching, research, students, and some Columbia University academic business, particularly the University Seminars, of which Gutmann was Director from 1970-1976. The files contain letters from colleagues at Columbia and elsewhere. Some of the major correspondents are: Arthur C. Danto, Irwin Edman, Charles Frankel, Horace L. Friess, Sterling P. Lamprecht, John H. Randall, and Herbert Schneider. There are special correspondence files devoted to Joseph Frank (1916-1970), Dean of the Colorado Rocky Mountain School, Fritz Marti, and numerous letters written to Gutmann in 1964 on his receiving the Nicholas Murray Butler Medal for Philosophy. There are also manuscripts by Gutmann on the myth of Prometheus, mystical experience, Nietzsche and the ethical movement. The subject files include material relating to academic freedom, awards, intergration, Gutmann's biography, Israel, and Gutmann's vitae. In addition there are printed materials by Gutmann and by others inscribed to Gutmann.

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James Gutmann papers, 1917-1988 3 linear feet 6 manuscript boxes

John Herman Randall papers, 1911-1977

44 boxes 44 boxes 1 oversize folder 1 tube box
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Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, documents, course materials, organization files, photographs, and printed materials of John Herman Randall, Jr. Included among the cataloged correspondence are lengthy philosophical exchanges between Randall and Harry Elmer Barnes, Wendell T. Bush, John J. Coss, John Dewey, Irwin Edman, William Ernest Hocking, Corliss Lamont, Sterling P. Lamprecht, Arthur O. Lovejoy, Reinhold Niebuhr, Herbert W. Schneider, and Frederick J.E. Woodbridge, and in the uncataloged series, Horace Friess, James Gutmann, and Paul O. Kristeller. A separate series contains family correspondence consisting primarily of letters from Randall to his wife, Mercedes Irene Moritz Randall, during their courtship and early marriage. Randall's manuscripts include drafts of many of his articles and essays (a number of which became chapters in several of his books) as well as typescripts, proofs and related materials for many of his books, notably THE CAREER OF PHILOSOPHY, VOLUMES I-III, ARISTOTLE, THE MAKING OF THE MODERN MIND, NATURE AND HISTORICAL EXPERIENCE, PLATO, and THE ROLE OF KNOWLEDGE IN WESTERN RELIGION.

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John Herman Randall papers, 1911-1977 44 boxes 44 boxes 1 oversize folder 1 tube box