The papers include correspondence, manuscripts, documents, printed materials and photographs -- most of which principally concern Fedor Shali︠a︡pin. There are twelve letters and postcards from Shali︠a︡pin, and one or two items each from Aleksandr Grechaninov, Olǵa Knipper-Chekhova, and Sergeĭ Rakhmaninov. There are manuscripts by Strakhova-Ermans, entitled "Vospominanii︠a︡ starogo professora penii︠a︡" and "Penie: Ego tekhnika i iskusstvo." There are photographs of Shali︠a︡pin in his operatic roles and with his family; and photographs of Olǵa Knipper-Chekhova, Aleksandr Glazunov, and of Sergeĭ Rakhmaninov and Aleksandr Grechaninov (with the faculty of the Russian Conservatory in Paris). Printed materials include programs of concerts by Shali︠a︡pin and others, and a copy of Strakhova-Ermans' book, "Le chant"(1946).