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Arthur David Kemp Owen papers, 1938-1970
18 linear feetCorrespondence and professional files of Owen. Most of the materials in this collection relate to his activities at the UN. These include numerous documents and reports pertaining to the United Nations' technical assistance programs. Some of Owen's speeches and publications are also in the collection. The reports Owen received from Gunnar Myrdal and those concerning the private meetings of the Secretary General are especially interesting. A few of the people with whom Owen corresponded are Lady Astor, Clement Attlee, Chester Bowles, Sir Stafford Cripps, John Diefenbaker, Dag Hammarskjöld, Julian Huxley, B.H. Liddell Hart, Trygve Lie, Selwyn Lloyd, Gunnar Myrdal, Adlai Stevenson, and U Thant. Also, papers on regional planning and social services in Great Britain from 1938 to 1944, with emphasis on Scotland. There are manuscripts, manuscript notes, social surveys, government reports, and related correspondence on such topics as hospitals, housing, youth, and the aged. There is some correspondence regarding Owen's association with a private research group Political and Economic Planning (PEP). Among the Scotland files are Owen's manuscripts, notes, and related material for his Stevenson Lectures in Citizenship at the University of Glasgow, 1939-1944.
Charles S. Ascher papers, 1926-1979
68 linear feetCorrespondence, memoranda, manuscripts, documents, photographs, printed material, and memorabilia of Ascher. Also, his notes and diary/datebooks, as well as typescripts for many of his reports, articles, and reviews. Among the major correspondents are Roger Nash Baldwin, Mary Steichen Calderone, Julian Huxley, Margaret Mead, Jo Mielziner, Lewis Mumford, Alva Myrdal, Edwin Herbert Samuel (2nd Viscount Samuel), Percy E. Sutton, and Constantine D. Tsatsos.
Corliss Lamont papers, 1891-1993
3 linear feetCorrespondence, manuscripts, photographs, and printed materials of Lamont. Letters from George Santayana (1863-1952), with Lamont and others, a few early manuscripts, interviews and other notes on Santayana, and general correspondence about him. A series of letters from John Dewey to Lamont, discussing his ideas on humanism and religion. Extensive correspondence with the family of John Masefield including approximately 100 letters from Judith Masefield to Lamont, primarily written shortly after the death in 1967 of her father the poet John Masefield, and dealing with his life and work. Also, a few of her own writings; a number of the letters are descriptive of historical England and her concern for contemporary events. Among the letters from other family members are fifteen from Lamont's nephew, Jack Masefield, and 53 from his cousin Sir Peter G. Masefield, 1970-1983, conveying news about Judith as well as interest in the publication of John Masefield's letters from the World War I years and their continuing appreciation of Lamont's work on Masefield. There is discussion on the publication of Masefield's letters to Corliss' mother, Florence Lamont, printed in 1979.
Declaration of Atlantic Unity records, 1948-1978
22.75 linear feetCorrespondence files of the Declaration of Atlantic Unity. The declarations which they issued are in the box of printed materials (No. 49)
Havelock Ellis letters, 1894-1950
1 boxLetters written to Havelock Ellis, including several drafts of his replies, and a few letters to his executrix, Mrs. Françoise Lafitte-Cyon. Nearly all of the letters relate to to Ellis' writings and their influence, as well as the work of his correspondents in the fields of sex studies, pornography, birth control, and pacifism. Correspondents include Henri Barbusse, André Breton, Elie Faure, Robert J. Gibbings, Julian Huxley, Desmond MacCarthy, Bronislaw Malinowski, Naomi Mitchison, John Middleton Murray, Henry S. Salt, and Marie Stopes.
Ruth Nanda Anshen papers, 1938-1986
16.8 linear feetCorrespondence with many well known authors and scientists, correspondence with publishers, contracts, and other materials dealing with the many series of books which she has organized. Dr Anshen has edited over one hundred works in fields ranging from physics and biology to philosophy, education, psychology, and esthetics. Her series - WORLD PERSPECTIVES (Harper), RELIGIOUS PERSPECTIVES (Harper), CREDO PERSPECTIVES (Pocket Books/Simon & Schuster), THE SCIENCE OF CULTURE SERIES (Harcourt, Brace), PERSPECTIVES IN HUMANISM (World Pub. Co.), and THE TREE OF LIFE SERIES - have been concerned with new trends in scientific thought and the mutual intelligibility of the various arts and sciences. A new series, CONVERGENCE (Columbia University Press), was started in 1981 dealing with ideas that changed, or that are changing the world. Books from the various series are also included. There is also personal material of Dr Anshen and her family.