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Whitney M. Young, Jr. papers, 1960-1977

300 boxes 300 boxes, 9 volumes, 60 oversize items, plus one box of cataloged correspondence
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Correspondence, speeches, reports, testimony, press releases, and articles of Young. The files document Young's leadership in many social welfare and civil rights organizations, as well as his activities as a columnist and speaker. Cataloged correspondents include Robert F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Hubert H. Humphrey, Martin Luther King, Jr., Coretta Scott King, Roy Wilkins, and John W. Gardner.

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Whitney M. Young, Jr. papers, 1960-1977 300 boxes 300 boxes, 9 volumes, 60 oversize items, plus one box of cataloged correspondence

M. Moran Weston Papers, 1824-1994

75 linear feet 180 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, oral histories, photographs, audio cassettes, and printed material. Family and personal correspondence; materials related to his secondary, college, and university education; materials related to his tenure at the National Council of the Protestant Church; business correspondence of St. Philip's Episcopal Church and the St. Philip's Community Service Council; bulletins of church services; drafts of sermons and speeches, as well as numerous audio-tapes; manuscripts and publications; correspondence related to the construction and on-going maintenance of several senior-citizen and other community housing; correspondence related to various community redevelopment initives and campaigns for affordable housing; materials related to college courses including oral histories for his Black Family Research project; photographs of St. Philip's Church and of activities of the St. Philip's Community Service Council.

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M. Moran Weston Papers, 1824-1994 75 linear feet 180 boxes

Louis G. Cowan papers, 1885, 1952-1976, bulk 1952-1976

26 linear feet 62 boxes
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Correspondence, notes, manuscripts, documents, photographs, audio tapes, and printed material of Louis G. Cowan. The files document Cowan's activites at CBS and Brandeis University, and in many other capacities. Approximately one-third of the collection consists of records and studies of the Broadcast Institute of North America. The papers also reflect a number of Cowan's various interests such as posters; the earliest item in the collection, a letter from General Charles P. Stone, 1885, is indicative of Cowan's active interest in the history of the Statue of Liberty. Among the prominent correspondents are Jacob Bronowski, Hubert H. Humphrey, William Phillips, and Jonas Salk.

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Louis G. Cowan papers, 1885, 1952-1976, bulk 1952-1976 26 linear feet 62 boxes

Lenore Marshall papers, 1887-1980

23.5 linear feet 40 boxes; 1 scrapbook in place of Box 22; 1 oversize folder
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, memorabilia and printed materials. The correspondence deals with literary and political topics, from such people as Hayden Carruth, Irwin Edman, Lola Ridge and Norman Thomas; numerous manuscripts of Mrs. Marshall's writings, including the notes, drafts, manuscripts and proofs of her last novel THE HILL IS LEVEL and various manuscripts of the stories published in THE CONFRONTATION AND OTHER STORIES, and numerous manuscripts of poetry and short stories. Also included is material on the World War II draft of 19-year-olds, economic aid for Western Europe, the Vietnam War, the origin of SANE, the Committee for Nuclear Responsibility, the Amchitka Islands nuclear tests, the Task Force against Nuclear Pollution, and personal correspondence from her own and her husband's families

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Lenore Marshall papers, 1887-1980 23.5 linear feet 40 boxes; 1 scrapbook in place of Box 22; 1 oversize folder

Laura Keane Zametkin Hobson papers, 1930-1986

67 boxes 67 boxes, 2 oversize folders
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Correspondence, manuscripts, diaries, drafts, notes, documents, proofs, clippings, printed books, and other related materials. There are typescript drafts, proofs, related correspondence,, and printed copies of each of her books; typescript and tearsheets of her short stories, novelettes, and playscripts; correspondence with readers, agents, and publishers, and files for her promotional work at Time-Life, her newspapare and magazine columns, and her other interests; her daily appointment books; and her financial records. Among the cataloged correspondence are: Roger Nash Baldwin, Moss Hart, Hubert H. Humphrey, Ernest Jones, Clare Boothe and Henry Luce, Thomas Mann, Jo Mielziner, and Dorothy Thompson.

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Laura Keane Zametkin Hobson papers, 1930-1986 67 boxes 67 boxes, 2 oversize folders

Joseph Barnes papers, 1907-1970, bulk 1923-1970

18.5 linear feet 40 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, dispatches, documents, clippings and other printed materials concerning his career as an editor and correspondent for the New York Herald Tribune in Moscow, Berlin and New York, as a staff member of the Institute of Pacific Relations from 1932 to 1934, as deputy director in the Office of War Information overseas branch, 1941-44, as an owner and editor of the New York Star, 1948-49, as an instructor in communications at Sarah Lawrence College, 1950-1951, as a book editor at Simon and Schuster, Publishers, 1951-1970, and as an author and translator.

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Joseph Barnes papers, 1907-1970, bulk 1923-1970 18.5 linear feet 40 boxes

Jacques Barzun papers, 1900-1999

225 linear feet 533 boxes; 1 drawer of oversized material
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The correspondence, research, and teaching files of French-American cultural historian and Columbia University professor emeritus Jacques Barzun (1907-2012).
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Jacques Barzun papers, 1900-1999 225 linear feet 533 boxes; 1 drawer of oversized material

Howard Joseph Samuels Gubernatorial campaign papers, 1969-1971

4 boxes 4 boxes
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Correspondence, memoranda, position papers, campaign materials, speeches, photographs, and printed materials relating primarily to Samuels' unsuccessful 1970 campaign for governor of New York. Included with the collection are campaign materials for other candidates, and campaign buttons for Samuels, Nelson A. Rockefeller, and others. Major correspondents include William Averell Harriman, Hubert Horatio Humphrey, LeRoi Jones, Edward I. Koch, John V. Lindsay, Robert Moses, and Edmund S. Muskie.

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Howard Joseph Samuels Gubernatorial campaign papers, 1969-1971 4 boxes 4 boxes

Geroid Tanquary Robinson papers, 1915-1965

33 linear feet 79 boxes 2 oversize boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, documents, subject files, photographs, art works, and printed materials. This collection covers the entire span of his life, although by far the greatest part relates to his activities as a professor from the 1930s to the 1960s. Among the correspondents are many important figures in American Russian studies or Columbia University; there are also many letters from his wife, Clemens T. Robinson, and Lewis Mumford. Manuscripts by Robinson include his "Rural Russia under the Old Regime" lectures, notes, speeches and essays, and also miscellaneous pieces (essays, reviews, poems, stories, plays, etc.) that he wrote while he was an aspiring young journalist and writer in the 1910s and 1920s. Manuscripts by others consist of student theses, papers, books and reports that were given him for review or comment. Subject files deal with such topics as his service in World War I; Columbia University (especially the Libraries and the History Department); and various aspects of academic life and Russian studies. Almost nothing in the collection has any bearing on his government service during World War II; items from the war years concern personal affairs or scholarship. There are photographs of Robinson and his wife; family photographs from the late 19th and early 20th centuries; and Russian scenes. Art works include items by Clemens T. Robinson. Among the printed materials are two books inscribed by Mumford to Robinson.

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Geroid Tanquary Robinson papers, 1915-1965 33 linear feet 79 boxes 2 oversize boxes

Frederic C. Smedley papers, 1956-1976

8 boxes 4400 items
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Papers of Smedley, including correspondence, memoranda, manuscripts, and printed materials about the United Nations, national politics and elections, and civic organizations in New York City and in Connecticut. Correspondents include Hubert Humphrey, John F. Kennedy, and Bertrand Russell.

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Frederic C. Smedley papers, 1956-1976 8 boxes 4400 items