Alfred Seidemann manuscripts, 1926-1943 1 box 1 box
- Creator
- Seidemann, Alfred, 1895-1976
- Abstract Or Scope
Notes and notebooks from lectures given by Martin Heidegger (1889-1976), at Marburg, Germany (1926-1927). The notes are attributed to Alfred Seidemann (1895-1976) (University of Freiburg, PhD (1935)), who studied under Heidegger. The four subject groupings of materials are "Geschichte der Philosophie von Thomas von Aquino bis Kant" ["History of Philosophy from Thomas Aquinas to Kant"], "Grundbegriffe der antiken Philosophie" ["Basic Concepts of Ancient Philosophy"], "Die Philosophie des Aristoteles" ["The Philosophy of Aristotle "], and "Die Sprache" ["The Language"]. An addition to the collection consists of several mimeograph copies of Heidegger's "Bauen, Wohnen, Denken" ["Building, Dwelling, Thinking"] in English, "Descartes", 1926-1927;; "Vom Ursprung des Kunstwerks" ["From the origin of the work of art"], 1935,; "Vom Wesen der Wahrheit" ["On the essence of truth"], 1943,
- Collection Context