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Aleksandr Bakhrakh papers, 1922-1983

2500 items 8 manuscript boxes
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Letters received by A. V. Bakhrakh which discuss 20th century Russian literature, contemporary Slavic studies, and Russian emigre publishing activities. Correspondents include Andrei Belyi (Boris Bugaev), Ivan Bunin, Kornei Chukovskii, Andre Gide and Boris Pilniak. There are over 300 letters by Gleb Struve wtitten from 1964 to 1983, which cover the above topics as well as Struve's personal and professional life. There are both letters and manuscripts by Vladislav Khodasevich, Aleksei Remizov and Marina Tsvetaeva.

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Aleksandr Bakhrakh papers, 1922-1983 2500 items 8 manuscript boxes

Anatolii Vasil'evich Baikalov Papers, 1918-1959

6200 items 26 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, and documents created during Baikalov's sojourn in England, from about 1918 on. There is correspondence with major Russian emigres such as Aleksandr Guchkov, Aleksandr Kerenskii, Boris Nikolaevskii, and Marc Slonim, and with British figures such as Malcolm Muggeridge, the Duchess of Atholl, Sir Bernard Pares, and Sidney Webb.

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Anatolii Vasil'evich Baikalov Papers, 1918-1959 6200 items 26 boxes

Ariadna Vladimirovna Tyrkova-Williams Papers, 1897-1961

14 Linear Feet 33 manuscript boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, subject files and printed material of Russian émigré writer, journalist, and Kadet Party leader Ariadna Vladimirovna Tyrkova-Williams. The collection also contains material by her husband, Harold Williams, and her son, Arkadiĭ Borman.
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Ariadna Vladimirovna Tyrkova-Williams Papers, 1897-1961 14 Linear Feet 33 manuscript boxes

Konstantin Gul'kevich Papers, 1885-1935

1 linear feet 2 boxes
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Collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, maps, and printed materials, mostly dealing with Gulḱevich's service in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Cataloged correspondents are Roman Gul,́ Ekaterina Kuskova (over 200 letters), Sergeĭ Prokopovich, and Petr Savit︠s︡kiĭ. Manuscripts are reports on Turkey, Armenia and Panislamism. Documents and awards are from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and foreign governments. Printed materials consist of clippings and also printed circulars of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs dating from 1886-1896.

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Konstantin Gul'kevich Papers, 1885-1935 1 linear feet 2 boxes

Mikhail Mikhailovich Karpovich Papers, 1900-1959

17 linear feet 43 manuscript boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, lectures, lecture notes, and subject files of Russian-American historian Mikhail Mikhailovich Karpovich (1888-1959). Karpovich was an employee of the embassy of the Russian Provisional Government in Washington, D.C., Professor Emeritus of Russian History and Literature at Harvard University, and founding editor of Novyĭ zhurnal.
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Mikhail Mikhailovich Karpovich Papers, 1900-1959 17 linear feet 43 manuscript boxes

Mirra Ginsburg papers, 1910-1999

20 linear feet 38 document boxes
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Collection consists of correspondence, writings, research notes, notebooks, printed material, books, photographs and one audiotape.

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Mirra Ginsburg papers, 1910-1999 20 linear feet 38 document boxes

Nikolaĭ Aleksandrovich Gorchakov Papers, 1948-1985

4.5 linear feet 1500 items in boxes
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Correspondence, diaries, documents, manuscripts, and printed materials. The collection consists chiefly of diaries, research materials, and his writings. Among the correspondents are: Mikhail Chekhov, Olga Chekhov, Roman Gul, Vladimir Ilin, Artur Luther, Sergei Melgunov, Bishop Serafim, Fedor Stepun, Ilia Surguchev, Alexandra Tolstoy, and Vladimir Zenzinov.

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Nikolaĭ Aleksandrovich Gorchakov Papers, 1948-1985 4.5 linear feet 1500 items in boxes

Oleg Iljinskii papers, 1945-1995

5 linear feet 10 boxes
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Iljinskii 's correspondence, manuscripts, diaries, documents, photographs, and printed material. The correspondence, primarily from the period 1945-1990, includes a large body of letters from Iljinskii to his wife and numerous letters to Iljinskii from such persons as Roman Goul, Valentina Sinkevich, Leonid Rzhevskii The manuscripts consist primarily of handwritten and typescript copies of Iljinskii's essays and humorous poems. Also included are his dissertation and notebooks. The collection includes about 100 photographs mostly of Iljinskii. The printed material consists almost exclusively of books and clippings.

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Oleg Iljinskii papers, 1945-1995 5 linear feet 10 boxes

Sergei Grigor'evich Svatikov Papers, 1860-1950

40000 items 101 manuscript boxes; 1 oversized folder
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Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, documents, subject files and printed materials of Sergei Grigor'evich Svatikov (1878/1880?-1942), Russian lawyer, historian, publicist, and public figure. The correspondence includes letters from Mark Aldanov, Vladimir Burtsev, Ivan Efremov, Georgii Grebenshchikov, Grigorii Lozinskii, Sergei Mel'gunov, Nikolai Rubakin, George Vernadsky and Mark Vishniak. There is a notebook that belonged to Vera Zasulich. Among the photographs are pictures of Prince Adam Jerzy Czartoryski, Sergei Mel'gunov, and Aleksander Wielopolski. The manuscripts include several by Svatikov as well as many notes, lists and bibliographical compendia relating to his oeuvre. The subject files cover such areas as the Russian Reading Hall in Heidelberg, the Turgenev Library in Paris, and the Russkii akademicheskii soiuz (Groupe academique russe), also in Paris. The printed materials include clippings, materials from the Institute d'ʹetudes slaves, and a number of books by Svatikov.

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Sergei Grigor'evich Svatikov Papers, 1860-1950 40000 items 101 manuscript boxes; 1 oversized folder

Vasiliĭ Fedoseevich Butenko Papers, 1925-1960

4 Linear Feet 9 boxes
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The papers of Vasiliĭ F. Butenko (1894-1976), Russian émigré socialist and political activist, include correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs,and printed materials. The bulk of the collection relates to various émigré political organizations in which Butenko was involved: the Labor Peasant Party (Trudovai︠a︡ krestʹi︠a︡nskai︠a︡ partii︠a︡), the Russian Consolidated Mutual Aid Society in America (Russkoe obʺedinennoe obshchestvo vzaimopomoshchi v Amerike), the Anti-Bolshevik Struggle Coordinating Center (Koordinettsionnyi Tsentr Antibol'shevistskoi Bor'by or KTsAB), and others.

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Vasiliĭ Fedoseevich Butenko Papers, 1925-1960 4 Linear Feet 9 boxes