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Aleksandr Kazem-Bek Papers, 1898-2014
39.98 linear feetEkaterina Nikolaevna Roshchina-Insarova Papers, 1907-1950
500 itemsThe collection includes correspondence from Konstantin Balḿont, Nikolaĭ Evreĭnov, Zinaida Gippius, Georgiĭ Grebenshchikov, Vasiliĭ Maklakov, Sergeĭ Potresov and Nadezhda Teffi. There is one letter each from Boris Bakhmeteff, Vera Bunina, Aleksandr Grechaninov, Aleksandr Kuprin and Alekseĭ Tolstoĭ. The manuscripts include poems and a play scenario by Nadezhda Teffi as well as Roshchina-Insarova's autobiographical essays and article about Sergeĭ Lifar.́ In addition, there are three scrapbooks containing clippings and programs of Roshchina-Insarova's performances, and approximately 40 photographs of her.
Georgii D. Grebenshchikov Papers, 1920-1960
9 linear feetCollection includes 1 letter each from Konstantin Balḿont and Alekseĭ Remizov, and copies of letters by Ivan Bunin. Manuscripts by Grebenshchikov in the collection include "Churaevy," and "Mikula, the turbulent giant." Also included are manuscripts by Balḿont and Remizov.
Iakov A. Grebenshchikov Memoirs, 1958
627 pagesTypescript memoirs that concern Grebenshchikov's years at the Pavlovskoe Voennoe Uchilishche (Pavlovsk Military Academy) from 1909-1911. Inserted throughout the memoirs are a number of photographs.
Il'ia Grigor'evich Savchenko Papers, 1920-1955
9 Linear FeetThe papers of Il'ia Grigor'evich Savchenko (1889-1961). The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, caricatures, and materials relating to a number of Russian émigré organizations. The materials relating to émigré organizations include correspondence, financial records, and mimeographed textbooks prepared by the professors of the Russkii iuridicheskii fakul'tet v Prage (Russian Juridical Institute in Prague), and correspondence and printed materials of the Soiuz ob"edinenii russkikh okonchivshikh vysshie uchebnye asvedeniia (OROVUZ; Union of Societies of Russians Who Have Graduated from Institutes of Higher Education), which Savchenko headed. In addition, there are materials relating to other émigré groups in Europe and the United States with which Savchenko was associated.
Il'ia Nikolaevich Kovarskii Papers, 1922-1967
200 itemsCorrespondence, manuscripts, photographs, and printed materials. Cataloged correspondents in the collection include letters from prominent figures, including Mark Aldanov, Mark Vishniak, and others. Among the manuscripts are A. Argunov's, "Iz perezhitogo," on Russian socialists in 1914-1917; a report by Kovarskii read to the Society of Russian Doctors in France, 1940 (Obshechestvo Russkikh Vrachei im. Mechnikova); and items on Soviet themes by Mark Vishniak, dated 1965-67. There is a photograph of Il'ia Fondaminskii, of Aleksandr Kerenskii, and of members of the Russian Constituent Assembly in France, 1922. One subject file concerns the death of Vladimir Zenzinov. Printed materials include catalogs and book lists from "Rodnik."
Konstantin Arkad'evicc Tomilin Papers, 1880-1959
46 itemsCorrespondence, manuscripts, documents and printed materials of Tomilin. There are several letters from Georgiĭ D. Grebenshchikov. The manuscripts--all of which are by Tomilin--include essays, stories and autobiographical writings chiefly devoted to his career as a teacher in Russian and Soviet institutions as well as in DP camps following his emigration to Germany in 1945. The collection also includes his birth certificate and such printed materials as poems by Tomilin, an essay by his wife and a copy of "Luch" (Salzburg, 1954).
Nataliia Apollinarievna Logunova Papers, 1913-1972
8 linear feetNikolai Vasil'evich Matviichuk Papers, 1945-1973
1500 itemsCollection includes correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and printed materials. There are letters from Rodion Berezov, Aleksandra Tolstai︠a︡, I︠A︡kov T︠S︡vibak, and Mark Weĭnbaum as well as one letter each from Georgiĭ Grebenshchikov, Dmitriĭ Shakhovskoĭ, and Igor ́Sikorskiĭ. There is a poem and letter drafts by Matviĭchuk, dating from 1945-1973. The arranged manuscripts include a brief memoir by Matviĭchuk entitled "Ushedshee." The essay discusses his family, the Civil War, and life in the Soviet Union during the 1920s. Matviĭchuk left the Soviet Union during World War II, and eventually emigrated to the United States. There is a box of clippings and several boxes of emigre newspapers and journals, many of which contain essays by Matviĭchuk.
Russkii Obshche-Voinskii Soiuz - North America (ROVS-N.A.) Records, 1922-1977
15000 itemsROVS North America (ROVS-N.A.) Records consist of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, organizational records, subject files, and printed materials. There are also papers of the Paris-based Sovet Rossiiskogo Zarubezhnogo Voinstva (Council of the Russian Military Abroad) and other emigre military and political organizations active in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles and South America. The cataloged correspondence includes letters by Evgenii Miller, Nikolai Tsurikov, Aleksandr Kutepov and other emigre figures and by Richard Nixon, Lyndon Johnson, Barry Goldwater and other prominent American politicians. Arranged correspondence series consist of general office files, Paris-New York files, correspondence of Aleksei von Lampe and Vladimir Vitkovskii and topical correspondence files. Among the manuscripts are short articles and reminiscences by various people. There are photographs of Evgenii Miller, Nicholas II and of emigre organizational gatherings during the 1950s and 1960s. The organizational records include circulars, bulletins, orders, memoranda, reports, publications and financial records for ROVS and the Sovet Rossiiskogo Zarubezhnogo Voinstva. Subject files concern such topics as the Elisavetgrad Military Academy, the Union of the First Kuban Campaign, the Gallipoli societies, the Ingermanlandskii Regiment and the Russian Anti-Communist Center in New York. The printed materials include a book by Boris Kuznetsov and publications and circulars from other emigre organizations.