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Evgenii Gunst Papers, 1915-1951
87 itemsThe collection consists largely of letters to Gunst from other Russian emigre musicians, including Nikolaĭ Cherepnin, Aleksandr Glazunov, Aleksandr Grechaninov, Nikolaĭ Medtner, and Sergeĭ Rakhmaninov. Other items include a photograph of Aleksandr Skri︠a︡bin's funeral procession, performance programs, and printed material relating to the Russian conservatory in Paris.
Konstantin Aleksandrovich Ermans and Varvara Ivanovna Strakhova-Ermans Papers, 1896-1957
150 itemsThe papers include correspondence, manuscripts, documents, printed materials and photographs -- most of which principally concern Fedor Shali︠a︡pin. There are twelve letters and postcards from Shali︠a︡pin, and one or two items each from Aleksandr Grechaninov, Olǵa Knipper-Chekhova, and Sergeĭ Rakhmaninov. There are manuscripts by Strakhova-Ermans, entitled "Vospominanii︠a︡ starogo professora penii︠a︡" and "Penie: Ego tekhnika i iskusstvo." There are photographs of Shali︠a︡pin in his operatic roles and with his family; and photographs of Olǵa Knipper-Chekhova, Aleksandr Glazunov, and of Sergeĭ Rakhmaninov and Aleksandr Grechaninov (with the faculty of the Russian Conservatory in Paris). Printed materials include programs of concerts by Shali︠a︡pin and others, and a copy of Strakhova-Ermans' book, "Le chant"(1946).
Koziul'kin and Butskovskii Family Papers, 1844-1920
125 itemsCorrespondence, manuscripts, documents and printed materials chiefly concerning members of the Koziul'kin and Butskovskii families, specifically Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Koziul'kina, nʹee Butskovskaia, her husband, Ippolit Arkad'evich Koziul'kin and her grandfather, Mikhail Andreevich Butskovskii, the governor of Lublin province 1860-1880. The cataloged materials, in an album, include notes, autographs and music manuscripts of such individuals as Mattia Battistini, Aleksandr Glazunov, Jules Massenet, Anna Pavlova and Edouard do Reszke. The correspondence consists of personal letters to members of the Koziul'kin and Chivilev families as well as business correspondence from the 1860-1881 period concerning M. A. Butskovskii's real estate affairs. The documents include a variety of official birth, death, marriage and graduation announcements; awards given to I. A. Koziul'kin in both St. Petersburg and at the Russian Embassy in Teheran; contracts; insurance forms; military orders (1884) and reports (1878); real estate documents and I. A. Koziul'kin's service records. The printed materials deal primarily with financial affairs (such as accounts from the Governor General of Warsaw, 1898-1901) and real estate matters associated with M. A. Butskovskii's entailed estate, "Raets," in Radom province, including "Maioraty v tsarstve pol'skom" (1911).
Leonid Leonidovich Sabaneev Papers, 1917-1950
500 itemsThe collection contains correspondence, manuscripts, clippings, books and periodicals. There are two letters from Aleksandr Glazunov and one each from Aleksandr Grechaninov and Nikolaĭ Metner. The manuscripts deal with both cultural affairs and the Russian Revolution. Among the cultural topics are essays on music, Isadora Duncan, Maksim Gorḱiĭ and literary affairs. There are articles about general aspects of the Revolution and about such individuals as Lenin, Stalin, Chicherin, Dzerzhinskiĭ and Kamenev. Many of the articles are memoiristic in nature, particularly those about life in Moscow and in the provinces during the Revolution, Dzerzhinskiĭ and Kamenev. There are clippings of articles written by Sabaneev and a number of books and periodicals either written by Sabaneev or containing articles by him.
Russian and early Soviet sheet music collection, 1904-1938
266 itemsA collection of 268 Russian and early Soviet music scores published from 1904 to 1938. Numerous composers and lyricists (primarily Russian but also European and American) are represented. Most scores were published in Moscow or Leningrad. Other imprints include Rostov-na-Donu, Kiev, Kharʹkov, and Tiflis. Most scores are popular music, jazz or dance music. The covers were designed by many different artists. The collection includes musical settings of poems by Esenin, Lebedev-Kumach and Mayakovsky among others.