Correspondence, manuscripts, and books of Melville H. Cane. Among the correspondents are Van Wyck Brooks, Carl Jung, Lewis Mumford, William Saroyan, Upton Sinclair, Felix Frankfurter, Jessamyn West, and W.H.Auden. Included is a scrapbook of newspaper articles by Cane, written chiefly for the "New York Evening Post". He served as the Columbia University correspondent during 1901 and 1902, when he was studying for his degree at the School of Law
Personal, professional, and family papers of the journalist and writer Wilbertine Teters Worden (1866-1949). Some of the files concern her father, Colonel Wilbert Barton Teters (1836-1923) a Civil War veteran, his military reunions, and his gold mining interests in Colorado. Wilbertine Teters Worden's own manuscripts include both fiction (short stories and poetry) and non-fiction (she often wrote love stories from early American history). The collection also includes her diaries dating from 1885 through 1948. There does not appear to be much in the collection related to Worden's novel, The Snows of Yester-year" (Boston, Arena Publishing Company, 1895).
Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs and printed materials. The correspondence is with American and English literary figures and Columbia faculty members. Included are 38 letters from Brander Matthews and 4 from Edmund Gosse. There are 5 letters from Trent to George Whicher, 3 to John Hart, and 180 postcards and letters to John Bell Henneman, as well as a group of miscellaneous letters to and from Trent. Also included are a holograph fair copy of Trent's poem "Germany, 1915" with his covering a.l.s. and several miscellaneous poems; and his contract with J.B. Lippincott Co. for the publication of GEORGE SAND. There are also two documents signed by George W. Maynard. Among the photographs is a photograph album, prepared by Hudson Stuck in 1899, of people and scenes from Dallas, Texas. Among the printed materials are Trent's examinations and outlines for English courses, and THE UNPOPULAR REVIEW with numerous pages of Trent's notes
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