This collection consists of Arthur E. Carlisle's personal subject and correspondence files, arranged in alphabetical order. Topics include housing issues, nuclear reactor on campus, area playgrounds, parking lots, College of Pharmacy site, political announcements, etc.
This collection contains three sets of reports from the academic departments to the President of Columbia College (1890) and Columbia University (1900 and 1927).
Columbia University. Academic Review Committee of the Faculty of the Arts and Sciences
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of the records of the Academic Review Committee of the Faculty of the Arts and Sciences from the 1990s. It includes copies of the internal and external assessments as well as some departmental self-studies. The files include the Academic Review Committee's final report with recommendations for the department.
Columbia University. Office of the Executive Vice President for Finance
Abstract Or Scope
The records include correspondence and other materials on financial matters and planning including agreements, contracts, leases, memoranda, reports, statements, and information on budgets, funds, gifts, policies, and procedures.
Columbia University. Office of the General Counsel
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of records from the Office of the General Counsel regarding the site of Rockefeller Center and Baker Field, the dormitory authority bonds and the modernization of Presbyterian Hospital. There are also the collected documents of the general counsel from the 1920s to the 1950s.
This collection consists of the records of the Office of the Secretary: Trustee materials and minutes, agreements, trustee biographical files, honor and prizes files, by-laws and statutes, reports, publications, and correspondence.
This collection consists of the student fee receipt ledgers, tuition certificates, applications for financial assistance and lists of scholarships and of students with free or reduced tuition rates.
This collection consists of the records of the Columbia University Board of Trustees, including meeting minutes, background materials, committee minutes, bound volumes of resolutions, 1820-1994. It includes the records of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, 1889-1979.