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Ariadna Vladimirovna Tyrkova-Williams Papers, 1897-1961
14 Linear FeetHodder and Stoughton records, 1875-1914
3 linear feetCorrespondence and publishing agreements for many of their authors in the pre-World War I period.
H. Rider Haggard papers, 1866-1956
2 linear feetThe collection is composed of 66 letters from Haggard to various members of his family, primarily to his sister-in-law, Agnes Barber Haggard, who had been his secretary. There are nearly 250 letters addressed to Haggard, to Coulson Kernahan, and to others. Among the correspondents are: James Barrie, Hall Caine, Mrs Patrick Campbell, Joseph Chamberlain, Wilkie Collins, Marie Corelli, Austin Dobson, A. Conan Doyle, J.A. Froude, John Galsworthy, Edmund Gosse, Andrew Lang, C.J. Longman, J.E. Millais, William Morris, Ouida, Grant Richards, Rafael Sabatini, and John Tenniel. There are several manuscripts by Haggard and printed materials relating to him. There are 20 letters from Haggard to his oldest sister, Ella Green, and about 110 to his brother, Col. Andrew C.P. Haggard.
Louis Napoleon Parker papers, 1869-1943
12.5 linear feetMarie Mattingly Meloney papers, 1891-1943
22 Linear FeetRandolph Somerville papers, 1915-1958
28.5 linear feetPapers, promptbooks, photographs, lecture notes, correspondence, and theatrical files of Somerville. Included are materials from the Washington Square Players and Duke's Oak Theatre in Cooperstown, N.Y.