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Herzen Family Correspondence, 1832-1877
260 itemsCorrespondence of members of the Herzen family, especially Aleksandr Ivanovich Herzen and his wife Natal'ia. Most of the letters were written by A. I. Herzen and his wife to Tat'iana Alekseevna Astrakova and her husband Nikolai Ivanovich in the period 1838-1851. There are also seven letters from Tat'ana Astrakova to Natal'ia Herzen; one letter from Nikolai Platonovich Ogarev to Nikolai Astrakov; and letters from three of the Herzen children (Aleksandr, Natal'ia, and Nikolai) to Tat'ana Astrakova. The letters in Box 1 were first published in "Novyi Zhurnal" nos. 46-51 (1956-1957), and then in "Neizdannye pis'ma A. I. Gertsena k N. I. i T. A. Astrakovym" (New York, 1957), edited by Ludwig Domherr. These consist of all letters by Aleksandr Herzen in the collection, plus a selection of letters by Natal'ia Herzen, including all those partly written by Aleksandr Herzen or with notes or postscripts by him. The other letters in this collection have not been published.