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Hart Crane papers, 1909-1937
27 linear feet 23 manuscript boxes; 1 tall manuscript box (box 17); 1 small flat box (box 16); 3 reels motion picture; 1 framed painting; 1 oversized folder; 12 boxes of books (BOOKS 1-12)- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, and memorabilia of the American poet, Hart Crane, range in date over most of his active life. This collection includes over 500 letters written by Crane to members of his family and close friends and received by him from his family and contemporary authors including Eugene O'Neill, Sherwood Anderson, T. S. Eliot, Alfred Stieglitz, Waldo Frank, and Allan Tate. Among these is a group of letters written to Mrs. Crane upon Crane's death. There is correspondence and documents relating to his books, THE BRIDGE, WHITE BUILDINGS, and THE COLLECTED POEMS. Also present are most of the original manuscripts of Crane's major works ("The Bridge" "White Buildings" "West Indies Poems" etc) with corrections and additions in Crane's hand. Included here are a number of drafts of poems of his earlier period. The is also a copy of the 16mm motion picture "In Search of Hart Crane."
Isidor Schneider Papers, 1925-1975
8 linear feet 5,000 items in 20 manuscript boxes- Abstract Or Scope
Manuscripts and correspondence of Schneider, including numerous manuscripts of short stories and poems, many of which are unpublished, and several full-length manuscripts of unpublished critical works. The collection also contains an extensive file of typescript reports on books for The Book Find Club, clippings of reviews written by Schneider and about his books, photographs and drawings of Schneider, and a file of correspondence relating to his writings. The literary correspondence includes letters from many of the important novelists, poets, and literary critics from the 1920s to the 1950s. They include Conrad Aiken, Sherwood Anderson, Kenneth Burke, Malcolm Cowley, Theodore Dreiser, Waldo Frank, Lillian Hellman, Robert Hillyer, Alfred Kreymborg, Thomas Mann, Arthur Miller, Marianne Moore, Lewis Mumford, Laura Riding, Muriel Rukeyser, Karl Shapiro, Stephen Spender, Mark Van Doren, and Yvor Winters.
Isidor Schneider Papers, 1925-1975 8 linear feet 5,000 items in 20 manuscript boxes
- Creator
- Schneider, Isidor, 1896-1976
- Abstract Or Scope
Manuscripts and correspondence of Schneider, including numerous manuscripts of short stories and poems, many of which are unpublished, and several full-length manuscripts of unpublished critical works. The collection also contains an extensive file of typescript reports on books for The Book Find Club, clippings of reviews written by Schneider and about his books, photographs and drawings of Schneider, and a file of correspondence relating to his writings. The literary correspondence includes letters from many of the important novelists, poets, and literary critics from the 1920s to the 1950s. They include Conrad Aiken, Sherwood Anderson, Kenneth Burke, Malcolm Cowley, Theodore Dreiser, Waldo Frank, Lillian Hellman, Robert Hillyer, Alfred Kreymborg, Thomas Mann, Arthur Miller, Marianne Moore, Lewis Mumford, Laura Riding, Muriel Rukeyser, Karl Shapiro, Stephen Spender, Mark Van Doren, and Yvor Winters.
- Collection Context
Joseph Freeman papers, 1920-1965
4 linear feet 9 boxes- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, drawings, documents, photographs, clippings, and other printed materials. Most of Freeman's own letters are written to Anne Williams Feinberg, his secretary. Among the cataloged correspondence are: Sherwood Anderson, Margaret Bourke-White, Erskine Caldwell, John Dos Passos, Theodore Dreiser, Langston Hughes, Edna St. Vincent Millay, and Lincoln Steffens. There is the manuscript of his book NEVER CALL RETREAT.
Joseph Freeman papers, 1920-1965 4 linear feet 9 boxes
- Creator
- Freeman, Joseph, 1897-1965
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, drawings, documents, photographs, clippings, and other printed materials. Most of Freeman's own letters are written to Anne Williams Feinberg, his secretary. Among the cataloged correspondence are: Sherwood Anderson, Margaret Bourke-White, Erskine Caldwell, John Dos Passos, Theodore Dreiser, Langston Hughes, Edna St. Vincent Millay, and Lincoln Steffens. There is the manuscript of his book NEVER CALL RETREAT.
- Collection Context
Kenneth A. Lohf papers, 1793-1992
18 linear feet 18 record cartons- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence and some printed ephemera and reviews pertaining to Kenneth Lohf's work on the INDEX TO LITTLE MAGAZINES, INDEX TO THE LITTLE REVIEW, and bibliographies of Yvor Winters, Sherwood Anderson, Frank Norris, Joseph Conrad, and Marianne Moore, which he compiled with Eugene P. Sheey. Included are 35 letters from Robert Greenwood, publisher and poet. There are also books inscribed to Lohf and books and articles by him. In addition, there are more than 300 autograph letters and manuscripts chiefly of ninteenth century English writers, artists, academics, statesmen and other historical figures collected by Lohf
Kenneth A. Lohf papers, 1793-1992 18 linear feet 18 record cartons
- Creator
- Lohf, Kenneth A.
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence and some printed ephemera and reviews pertaining to Kenneth Lohf's work on the INDEX TO LITTLE MAGAZINES, INDEX TO THE LITTLE REVIEW, and bibliographies of Yvor Winters, Sherwood Anderson, Frank Norris, Joseph Conrad, and Marianne Moore, which he compiled with Eugene P. Sheey. Included are 35 letters from Robert Greenwood, publisher and poet. There are also books inscribed to Lohf and books and articles by him. In addition, there are more than 300 autograph letters and manuscripts chiefly of ninteenth century English writers, artists, academics, statesmen and other historical figures collected by Lohf
- Collection Context
Lewis Galantière papers, 1920-1977
20 Linear Feet 40 document boxes, 3 card files (Boxes Cataloged 4a, b, c), oversized items- Abstract Or Scope
Writers represented in the correspondence files are Margaret Anderson, Sherwood Anderson, George Antheil, Djuna Barnes, Clive Bell, Malcolm Cowley, E.E. Cummings, John Dos Passos, Ford Madox Ford, Ernest Hemingway, Richard Hughes, Eugene Jolas, Archibald MacLeish, H.L. Mencken, Henry Miller, Adrienne Monnier, Man Ray, Elmer Rice, Jules Romains, Gertrude Stein, John Steinbeck, Allen Tate, Carl Van Vechten, Robert Penn Warren, and Edmund Wilson. Galantiere's best known work as a translator was that of the writings of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, and the collection contains in addition to correspondence, twelve manuscripts, all bearing the author's and the translator's corrections. He also wrote extensively on economic subjects and current history, and these files and manuscripts are present in the collection. Galantiere wrote plays in his own name and adapted Jean Anouilh's ANTIGONE for Katharine Cornell in 1946, and there are materials relating to these works.
Lewis Galantière papers, 1920-1977 20 Linear Feet 40 document boxes, 3 card files (Boxes Cataloged 4a, b, c), oversized items
- Creator
- Galantière, Lewis, 1895-1977
- Abstract Or Scope
Writers represented in the correspondence files are Margaret Anderson, Sherwood Anderson, George Antheil, Djuna Barnes, Clive Bell, Malcolm Cowley, E.E. Cummings, John Dos Passos, Ford Madox Ford, Ernest Hemingway, Richard Hughes, Eugene Jolas, Archibald MacLeish, H.L. Mencken, Henry Miller, Adrienne Monnier, Man Ray, Elmer Rice, Jules Romains, Gertrude Stein, John Steinbeck, Allen Tate, Carl Van Vechten, Robert Penn Warren, and Edmund Wilson. Galantiere's best known work as a translator was that of the writings of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, and the collection contains in addition to correspondence, twelve manuscripts, all bearing the author's and the translator's corrections. He also wrote extensively on economic subjects and current history, and these files and manuscripts are present in the collection. Galantiere wrote plays in his own name and adapted Jean Anouilh's ANTIGONE for Katharine Cornell in 1946, and there are materials relating to these works.
- Collection Context
Marie Mattingly Meloney papers, 1891-1943
22 Linear Feet 40 manuscript boxes, 3 oversize flat boxes, 1 map case folder- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, art works, memorabilia, and printed material created by and belonging to journalist, magazine editor, socialite, and social reformer Marie Mattingly Meloney (1878-1943). Meloney edited The Delineator, 1920-1926; the New York Herald Tribune Sunday Magazine, 1926-1934; and This Week magazine, 1934-1943.
Marie Mattingly Meloney papers, 1891-1943 22 Linear Feet 40 manuscript boxes, 3 oversize flat boxes, 1 map case folder
- Creator
- Meloney, Marie Mattingly, 1883-1943
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, art works, memorabilia, and printed material created by and belonging to journalist, magazine editor, socialite, and social reformer Marie Mattingly Meloney (1878-1943). Meloney edited The Delineator, 1920-1926; the New York Herald Tribune Sunday Magazine, 1926-1934; and This Week magazine, 1934-1943.
- Collection Context
Westgate Press records, 1929-1931
1 box 1 box (182 pages)- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, proofs, and miscellaneous documents relating to the Westgate Signed Editions, a series of signed first editions of American and British authors, published in 1929-1930 by the Westgate Press, San Francisco, under the direction of Oscar Lewis. The collection contains correspondence from Sherwood Anderson, Havelock Ellis, Zona Gale, Lewis Mumford, Bertrand Russell, Wilbur Daniel Steele, Ruth Suckow, Frank Swinnerton, Rebecca West, and Virginia Woolf, as well as carbon copies of Oscar Lewis' replies.
Westgate Press records, 1929-1931 1 box 1 box (182 pages)
- Creator
- Westgate Press (San Francisco, Calif.)
- Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, manuscripts, proofs, and miscellaneous documents relating to the Westgate Signed Editions, a series of signed first editions of American and British authors, published in 1929-1930 by the Westgate Press, San Francisco, under the direction of Oscar Lewis. The collection contains correspondence from Sherwood Anderson, Havelock Ellis, Zona Gale, Lewis Mumford, Bertrand Russell, Wilbur Daniel Steele, Ruth Suckow, Frank Swinnerton, Rebecca West, and Virginia Woolf, as well as carbon copies of Oscar Lewis' replies.
- Collection Context