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[microform] Kelley Family Papers, 1681-1936

8 Reels (4 positive reels 2 copies) 4 Reels (master negative reels)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, documents, and photographs of the Kelley family. The members of the family most prominent in the collection are Albert Kelley, Caroline B. Kelley, Florence Kelley (1859-1932), John Bartram Kelley, Margaret Dana Kelley, Nicholas Kelley, and William Darrah Kelley (1814-1890). There are letters to William D. Kelley from Andrew Carnegie, Rutherford B. Hayes, Lajos Kossuth, Abraham Lincoln, Thaddeus Stevens, and Gideon Welles. Also, a group of twenty letters to Florence Kelley from Jane Addams, dated 1900-1931.

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[microform] Kelley Family Papers, 1681-1936 8 Reels (4 positive reels 2 copies) 4 Reels (master negative reels)

Kelley family papers, 1681-1937

7 boxes (7 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, documents, and photographs of the Kelley family. The members of the family most prominent in the collection are Albert Kelley, Caroline B. Kelley, Florence Kelley (1859-1932), John Bartram Kelley, Margaret Dana Kelley, Nicholas Kelley, and William Darrah Kelley (1814-1890). There are letters to William D. Kelley from Andrew Carnegie, Rutherford B. Hayes, Lajos Kossuth, Abraham Lincoln, Thaddeus Stevens, and Gideon Welles. Also, a group of twenty letters to Florence Kelley from Jane Addams, dated 1900-1931.

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Kelley family papers, 1681-1937 7 boxes (7 boxes)

Community Service Society records, 1842-1995

423 linear feet (718 boxes; 123 bound volumes; 9 packages; 1 crate; 4 framed items (shelved at end of original collection and end of series II))
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Correspondence, reports, memoranda, case records, photographs and printed material. The archive include central and district administrative records; cammittee correspondence and minutes; and files on the various programs--such as sheltered workshops, tuberculosis sanitariums and health centers, public baths and employment bureaus--run by the two organizations. The archive also contains hundreds of photographs, including works by Lewis Hine and Jessie Tarbox Beals; extensive casework files from the beginning of social work (originally referred to as "friendly visiting among the poor"); and copies of masters and doctoral theses from the New York School of Sociel Work and other schools. Much of the research for these theses was based on the CSS files

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Community Service Society records, 1842-1995 423 linear feet (718 boxes; 123 bound volumes; 9 packages; 1 crate; 4 framed items (shelved at end of original collection and end of series II))

Carnegie Council on Ethics & International Affairs records, 1844-2008

534 linear feet (1069 manuscript boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, minutes of meetings, financial records, publications, notes, subject files, awards, speeches, reports and audiovisual materials document work by the Church Peace Union, its successors Council on Religion in International Affairs and Council on Ethics and International Affairs, and related organizations such as the World Alliance for International Friendship Through the Churches. The first installment of the CCEIA archival materials came to the RBML in 1974, with numerous additions over the years. A major addition in 1982 contained primarily the records of the Board of Directors and their semi-annual meetings, as well as the various programs and institutes of the Council, for the years 1972-1982, along with selected 1930s materials. 1986 addition contains presidential correspondence files, minutes of the Board of Trustees and committees, special projects, programs and conferences files, and the business and editorial files of "Worldview". Correspondents include John Foster Dulles, Jane Addams, Fiorello La Guardia, and Paul Tillich. 1990 and 2000 additions includes files of CCEIA presidents and vice presidents, paper and audiovisual materials on Merrill House Conversation Programs; Educational programs; International Monetary Fund/Lecture series; The Annals Of The Academy Of Political & Social Science; Washington Consultations; Colloquia for the Clergy; Church State Project; Asian Development & The Carribean Initiative; Korea: Year 2000 Project; fundraising files, printed materials and files of the Department of Publications.

1 result in this collection

Carnegie Council on Ethics & International Affairs records, 1844-2008 534 linear feet (1069 manuscript boxes)

Franklin Henry Giddings papers, 1890-1931

3.5 linear feet (8 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

This collection includes letters from prominent sociologists and economists such as Richard T. Ely, Henry C. Adams, Simon N. Patten, Frank W. Taussig, Francis A. Walker, and others, which deal with academic activities in the field of sociology and with Giddings' book, THE PRINCIPLES OF SOCIOLOGY (New York, 1896). In addition, there are letters and manuscripts dealing with the League of Peace, forerunner of the League of Nations; typescripts of his speeches on various subjects; miscellaneous notes; one box of students' term papers and theses dealing with sociological topics; and related printed materials. There are also questionnaires and letters pertaining to a study made in 1911-1912 by George Esdras Bevans on THE DISTRIBUTION OF WORKINGMEN'S TIME. The correspondents include: Jane Addams, William Jennings Bryan, Charles Beard, and Jacob Riis. There is also a bibliography of publications by Giddings and of works relating to his field; and genealogical notes of the Miller/Millard family of New England.

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Franklin Henry Giddings papers, 1890-1931 3.5 linear feet (8 boxes)

Joseph Dorfman papers, 1890-1983

40.5 linear feet (88 boxes)
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Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, documents, book typescripts, photographs, and printed materials covering the time from Dorfman's early interest, as a graduate student, in the economic thought of Thorstein Veblen until his retirement. There is correspondence with his academic colleagues, students, publishers, and the family and students of Thorstein Veblen, as well as manuscripts, typescripts, drafts, revisions, notes, photographs, pamphlets, and related materials for his articles and books which include: THORSTEIN VEBLEN AND HIS AMERICA, 1934; THE ECONOMIC MIND IN AMERICAN CIVILIZATION, 1946-1959; EARLY AMERICAN POLICY, 1960; INSTITUTIONAL ECONOMICS, 1963; TYPES OF ECONOMIC THEORY, 1967; and NEW LIGHT ON VEBLEN, 1973

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Joseph Dorfman papers, 1890-1983 40.5 linear feet (88 boxes)

Lillian D. Wald papers, 1895-1936

97 boxes (97 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Papers concerning both the administration of the Henry Street Settlement and Wald's involvement in numerous philanthropic and liberal causes. Her office files trace the foundation and growth of the Henry Street Settlement from 1895 until 1933. Her other activities include child welfare, civil liberties, immigration, public health, unemployment, and the peace movement during World War I. The correspondence files contain letters from public figures and writers including Jane Addams, Roger N. Baldwin, Van Wyck Brooks, Lavinia L. Dock, John Galsworthy, Samuel Gompers, William D. Howells, Charles Evans Hughes, Mabel Hyde Kittredge, Frances Perkins, Dorothy Thompson, Norman Thomas, Ida Tarbell, Margaret Sanger, and Jacob A. Riis.

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Lillian D. Wald papers, 1895-1936 97 boxes (97 boxes)

Hector Guimard architectural drawings and papers, 1903-1933, bulk 1903-1929

115 items
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The architectural drawings in the collection represent 20 projects dated from the 1900s to the 1920s. Each project was catalogued separately in the online catalog. This finding aid provides a link to each project's associated record. Sheet level description can be found in these project-level records. Each sheet is individually accessioned with numbers ranging from 1000.006.00001 through .00111.

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Hector Guimard architectural drawings and papers, 1903-1933, bulk 1903-1929 115 items

Manuel Rosenberg papers, 1920-1950

1 linear feet (2 boxes)
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A collection of more than 300 drawings and sketches. Notable are the 60 sheets of drawings made during his trip to Russia in the company of other western journalists. The major portion of the collection comprises the file of sketches and caricatures of leading personalities in public life and the arts made by Rosenberg from the 1920s to the 1950s, including those of Jane Addams; George Arliss; Max Baer; Theda Bara; Enrico Caruso; Feodor Chaliapin; Ina Claire; Walter Damrosch; Jack Dempsey; Elsie Janis; Beatrice Lillie; Groucho Marx; Mae Murray; Ezio Pinza; William Howard Taft; Peggy Wood; Israel Zangwill; and numerous other entertainers, sportsmen, politicians, and writers

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Manuel Rosenberg papers, 1920-1950 1 linear feet (2 boxes)