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Abe Kōbō collection, 1933-2002, bulk 1950-1993

11 linear feet (22 manuscript boxes)
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Original books, pamphlets, journals, magazines, manuscripts, and ephemera produced, published and collected by Abe Kōbō. Also includes photocopied newspaper, magazine, and journal articles as well as book excerpts from Abe Kōbō's study.

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Abe Kōbō collection, 1933-2002, bulk 1950-1993 11 linear feet (22 manuscript boxes)

A. Doak Barnett papers, 1929-2010, bulk 1940-1999

92 linear feet (182 manuscript boxes)
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The Arthur Doak Barnett Papers consist of personal and professional documents created and amassed by a leading scholar and government advisor on United States-China policy and relations in the 20th century. Barnett wrote, co-authored, or edited more than 20 books on China and Asia. His papers chronicle his academic, reporting, and government careers, plus his writings and travels throughout Asia and China from the 1940s through the 1990s.
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A. Doak Barnett papers, 1929-2010, bulk 1940-1999 92 linear feet (182 manuscript boxes)

Alfred Neumann architectural records and papers, 1900-1985, bulk 1950s-1960s

8 document boxes 60 folders (flat-file) 9 rolls
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Alfred Neumann (1900-1968) was a Czech architect with an international career. Most of his major projects were executed in Israel; his earlier work consisted mainly of private residences for Czech clients, as well as commercial and residential architecture undertaken with various firms or government bodies in Paris, Berlin, Algiers, and South Africa. Neumann devoted a substantial portion of his career to teaching and to research into architectural morphology, theories of proportion, polyhedral structures, and architectural space as pattern. He taught at both the Technion (Israel Institute of Technology) in Haifa, and the Université Laval in Quebec. He participated in CIAM (Congrès International d'Architecture Moderne), Groupe Espace, and other architectural groups throughout his career. This collection consists mainly of project drawings and photographs, personal and professional correspondence, Neumann's writings and research, papers related to Neumann's membership in CIAM, and publications related to his projects. The bulk of the material dates from Neumann's later career and concerns projects and research undertaken while Neumann was in Israel.
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Alfred Neumann architectural records and papers, 1900-1985, bulk 1950s-1960s 8 document boxes 60 folders (flat-file) 9 rolls

A report on the chief religions in Malaya and Sumatra, 1943

2 items (2 items)
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Collection of World War II propaganda materials, 1939-1945

4 boxes (3 boxes, 1 scrapbook in a CMI box)
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A miscellaneous collection of World War II propaganda and memorabilia. Among the European items are samples of propaganda dropped from Allied aircraft, clippings, cartoons, and other printed ephemera in English, French, German, and Russian. For the war in the Pacific there is a complete set of Japanese language leaflets issued by the United States Army Forces, Pacific Area, Psychological Warfare Branch. These leaflets, including English translations, were used by General Douglas MacArthur's forces to induce the Japanese to surrender. In addition there is a collection of forty-eight German books removed from a German military field library and warehouse in France by American Army personnel. These works were revised during the 1930s to reflect the Nazi viewpoint. Also, a scrapbook of photographs and newspaper clippings on the laying of the cornerstone for a home for expectant mothers in Römhild (Thuringia) Germany, 1939.

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Collection of World War II propaganda materials, 1939-1945 4 boxes (3 boxes, 1 scrapbook in a CMI box)

Columbia University historical recordings, 1902-1985

18.55 linear feet (21 document boxes, 1 record carton, 4 oversize boxes, 10 phonograph album boxes, and 1 OS flat box.)
Abstract Or Scope

An artificial collection of phonograph records, reels of audio tape recordings, and motion picture films recording a variety of Columbia University academic and extra-curricular activities and events such as lectures; speeches, some at award ceremonies; commencement; installation of Nicholas M. Butler and Dwight D. Eisenhower as presidents of the university; King George VI of England during his visit, 1939; speech of England's Queen Mother, Elizabeth in 1954; homecoming; football, the band; academic and alumni conferences; and radio programs under the auspices of Columbia. Many of the recordings are of Eisenhower. Other prominent personalities include John Foster Dulles, Herbert Hoover, Isidor Rabi, Eleanor Roosevelt, John R. Dunning, and the Shah of Iran.

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Columbia University historical recordings, 1902-1985 18.55 linear feet (21 document boxes, 1 record carton, 4 oversize boxes, 10 phonograph album boxes, and 1 OS flat box.)

Missionary Research Library collection of Dai Kokumin (Great Nation) issues, 1916 -- 1917

0.25 linear feet (0.25 linear feet; 1 box)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection compiled by the Missionary Research Library contains 4 issues from 1916 of Dai Kokumin, an anti-Christian, Japanese nationalist publication, as well as a bibliographic card and clipping.
3 results in this collection

Missionary Research Library collection of Dai Kokumin (Great Nation) issues, 1916 -- 1917 0.25 linear feet (0.25 linear feet; 1 box)

Missionary Research Library collection of Dai Kokumin (Great Nation) issues, 1916 -- 1917 0.25 linear feet (0.25 linear feet; 1 box)

Daniel Talbot Papers, 1923-2010, bulk 1960-2008

495 linear feet (303 record cartons (box 1-207, 209-251, 253-296, 302-306, 355-356), 5 tall manuscript boxes (box 298-301), 48 manuscript boxes (box 307-354), 79 flat boxes (Box 208 Flat, 252 Flat, Flatbox 1-77))
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The Dan Talbot Papers document the business operation of the New Yorker Films, an independent film acquisition and distribution company, dating from 1960s to 2008, as well as movie theaters in the Upper West Side Manhattan which he operated, dating from 1960 to 2007. It is of particular relevance to New Yorkers as the Talbots operated the New Yorker Theater, Cinema Studio, Metro, and Lincoln Plaza Cinemas, on the Upper West Side, as popular venues to view independent and foreign films.
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Daniel Talbot Papers, 1923-2010, bulk 1960-2008 495 linear feet (303 record cartons (box 1-207, 209-251, 253-296, 302-306, 355-356), 5 tall manuscript boxes (box 298-301), 48 manuscript boxes (box 307-354), 79 flat boxes (Box 208 Flat, 252 Flat, Flatbox 1-77))

Edward Said Papers, 1940s-2006

277 linear feet (498 manuscript boxes, 39 record cartons, 2 flat boxes (boxes 221-222))
Abstract Or Scope
Edward W. Said was an academic, literary critic, musician, and political activist for the Palestinian cause in the United States. The collection includes appointment books, audiovisual materials, clippings, correspondence, course materials, drafts, journals, notes, research materials, reviews, printed materials and publications.
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Edward Said Papers, 1940s-2006 277 linear feet (498 manuscript boxes, 39 record cartons, 2 flat boxes (boxes 221-222))