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Alfred I. Gudeman manuscripts, 1880-1940

1 linear feet (2 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Typescript copies and copyrights to seven of Gudeman's scholarly publications. These are MANUAL OF THE HISTORY OF CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY (which has had eight editions), typescript with six large envelopes of illustrative material, photographs, etchings, and various other types of reproductions; IMAGINES PHILOLOGORUM, a new edition of a biographic, bibliographic index to the field of philology; bibliography of Aristotle's DE POETICA; a manuscript in Greek of the text of Aristotle's DE POETICA; Sallust CATALINE, 4th ed., numbers 1-5 "ready for publication;" English translation of Gudeman's own work containing HISTORY OF LATIN LITERATURE; and COLLECTION OF CRITICAL ESSAYS and THE WORLD'S LITERATURE, 30 volumes. Also, various letters, lecture notes, club membership lists, and Gudeman's own lists of and notes about his works.

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Alfred I. Gudeman manuscripts, 1880-1940 1 linear feet (2 boxes)

Pliny Fisk papers, 1821 -- 1935

0.5 linear feet (0.5 linear feet; 1 box)
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Pliny Fisk was a Middlebury College and Andover Theological Seminary alumnus and Missionary of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions stationed in the Near/Middle East. The collection contains provenance notes, Fisk's journal, and Fisk's book of extracts and records.
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Book of Extracts and Records, 1821 -- 1825 1 folder

Pliny Fisk papers, 1821 -- 1935 0.5 linear feet (0.5 linear feet; 1 box)

Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum records, 1946-1985

6 linear feet (11 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscripts, subject files, index cards, printed materials and microfilms relating to the CATALOGUS TRANSLATIONUM ET COMMENTARIORUM. The two manuscripts are contemporary and deal with the letters of St. Basil. The subject files include correspondence, notes, and printed materials providing largely biographical information on a wide range of medieval translators and commentators. The index cards list the present day locations of many relevant medieval and renaissance books and manuscripts. The printed materials include photostatic copies and negatives of medieval texts as well as catalog listings of and articles about these texts and their authors. The microfilms, some of which are negatives, are of some of the relevant medieval and renaissance works

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Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum records, 1946-1985 6 linear feet (11 boxes)

Columbia University Rare Book and Manuscript Library papyrus collection, 300 BC-500 AD

2150 pieces of papyrus (2150 pieces of papyrus 3600 ostraca)
Abstract Or Scope

The Columbia collection includes ca. 2150 papyri and over 3600 ostraca in a variety of languages including Greek, Latin, Egyptian (Demotic, Coptic and Hieratic) and Arabic. Among the papyri, there are also a few texts on parchment and paper. The papyri range in date from the 3rd century BCE to the 7th century CE and come from different parts of Egypt. About 300 have been published in the volumes of Columbia Papyri (P.Col., volumes I-XI) and a few more were published elsewhere. The papyri preserve a variety of texts, from ancient fragments of important literary works (Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, Euripides' Orestes, Plato's Phaedrus) written much earlier than the medieval manuscripts upon which modern editions are usually based, to mundane documents such as private letters, tax receipts, petitions and contracts, which illustrate the economic activities, personal relationships, legal conflicts and contractual arrangements of people in Greco-Roman Egypt over a period of about 1000 years.

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Columbia University Rare Book and Manuscript Library papyrus collection, 300 BC-500 AD 2150 pieces of papyrus (2150 pieces of papyrus 3600 ostraca)

Edward Robinson papers, 1826 -- 1838

2.75 linear feet (2.75 linear feet; 7 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
Edward Robinson (1794-1863) was a Presbyterian minister, Biblical scholar, Union Theological Seminary professor, and its first librarian. This collection contains the manuscript originally entitled "Biblical Researches in Palestine and the Countries in the South," appendices of English-Arabic lists and language exercises, travel itineraries, a guide to Arabic pronunciation, and supplementary materials relating to travel; galley proofs of the Friedrich Wilhelm Gesenius lexicon with handwritten annotations by Robinson and possibly others; as well as two plastic-bound transcripts, indexed, of letters exchanged between Edward Robinson and Moses Stuart between 1826 and 1830.
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Edward Robinson papers, 1826 -- 1838 2.75 linear feet (2.75 linear feet; 7 boxes)

Edward Said Papers, 1940s-2006

277 linear feet (498 manuscript boxes, 39 record cartons, 2 flat boxes (boxes 221-222))
Abstract Or Scope
Edward W. Said was an academic, literary critic, musician, and political activist for the Palestinian cause in the United States. The collection includes appointment books, audiovisual materials, clippings, correspondence, course materials, drafts, journals, notes, research materials, reviews, printed materials and publications.
1 result in this collection

Edward Said Papers, 1940s-2006 277 linear feet (498 manuscript boxes, 39 record cartons, 2 flat boxes (boxes 221-222))

Greek Press and Information Service in New York records, 1956-1973

4.5 linear feet (5000 items in 9 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, news releases, photographs, sound recordings, financial records, and printed material. These files, more than three-quarters of which are in the Greek language, contain correspondence with Greeks, Greek-Americans, Greek officials, and diplomats, American congressmen, senators and other elected officials, print and media journalists, publishers, and other Americans regarding the dictatorship of the Greek colonels from 1967 to 1974. Also, routine requests for information on Greece, including the loan of audio-visual and pictorial materials, for use by journalists, teachers, students, publishers, etc. The files of letters dealing with the Greek Junta and Greek-American relations contain numerous photocopies of letters from American government and elected officials. Also included are nine sound recordings of Greek language broadcasts in the United States; pamphlets on Greece, and clippings from American newspapers on Greece and Greek-American relations; and photographs of one 1971 anti-Junta demonstration held in New York City. There are some financial records dating back to 1956, including account books, check registers, and cancelled checks.

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Greek Press and Information Service in New York records, 1956-1973 4.5 linear feet (5000 items in 9 boxes)

Human Rights Watch records: Record Group 1: Helsinki Watch, 1952-2003, bulk 1978-1994

271 linear feet (645 document boxes and one flat box)
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This collection contains the records of the United States based human rights organization, Human Rights Watch. Materials include correspondence and e-mail communications, professional and personal field notes, testimonies and interviews, advocacy, policy planning material, and briefing papers.
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Human Rights Watch records: Record Group 1: Helsinki Watch, 1952-2003, bulk 1978-1994 271 linear feet (645 document boxes and one flat box)

Lorenzo Warriner Pease papers, 1811 -- 1896

3 linear feet (3 linear feet; 7 boxes)
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Lorenzo Warriner Pease was a Presbyterian missionary in Cyprus. The collection contains diaries and correspondence by Pease and his family, sermons, essays and notes, linguistic manuals, and studies, as well as surrogate photocopies of some collection material.
3 results in this collection

Lorenzo Warriner Pease papers, 1811 -- 1896 3 linear feet (3 linear feet; 7 boxes)

Series 3: Manuscripts, circa 1830 -- 1839 0.5 linear feet (0.5 linear feet)

Series 4: Surrogates, circa 1830 -- 1896 1.25 linear feet (1.25 linear feet)

Mortimer Lamson Earle papers, 1884-1905

7 file boxes (7 file boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of notes, diaries, and papers of Dr. Mortimer Lamson Earle (1864-1905), Professor of Classical Philology at Barnard College. It includes family photographs, published writings, and relics of Napoleon I.
1 result in this collection

Mortimer Lamson Earle papers, 1884-1905 7 file boxes (7 file boxes)