This collection contains an eclectic variety of materials collected by Jewish historian, archivist, and bibliographer Zosa Szajkowski (1911-1978). Materials include organizational records, documents, correspondence, periodicals, printed ephemera related mainly to Eastern European Jewish life in France in 1920s and 1930s and on the territories of modern Ukraine, Lithuania, Poland and Russia in the first quarter of the 20th century. There are also materials of the Russkii Obshchekolonial'nyi Komitet v Parizhe, Comité des Delegations Juives, Kharbinskoe Evreiskoe Dukhovnoe Obshchestvo, and papers of A. (Aleksei) Lozovskii.
This collection contains an eclectic variety of materials collected by Jewish historian, archivist, and bibliographer Zosa Szajkowski (1911-1978). Materials include organizational records, documents, correspondence, periodicals, printed ephemera related mainly to Eastern European Jewish life in France in 1920s and 1930s and on the territories of modern Ukraine, Lithuania, Poland and Russia in the first quarter of the 20th century. There are also materials of the Russkii Obshchekolonial'nyi Komitet v Parizhe, Comité des Delegations Juives, Kharbinskoe Evreiskoe Dukhovnoe Obshchestvo, and papers of A. (Aleksei) Lozovskii.