Vant Tsaytung, 1930, undated Request Abstract Or Scope Various handwritten notes view more view less Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Zosa Szajkowski Collection, 1900s-1947Series I: Jewish Organizations and Groups in France, 1922-1947Press Organizations, 1927-1934, undated
Unidentified organizations, 1931-1936, undated Request Abstract Or Scope Handwritten Marxist antireligious pamphlet, printed ephemera including postcards, programs, membership cards, etc. view more view less Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Zosa Szajkowski Collection, 1900s-1947Series I: Jewish Organizations and Groups in France, 1922-1947Various Jewish Organizations in France, 1930-1938, undated
Uman' and Volyn', 1905 Request Abstract Or Scope Appeals to the Christians to save Jews and appeal of the Volyn's governor (in Russian, Ukrainian, Yiddish) view more view less Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Zosa Szajkowski Collection, 1900s-1947Series II: Jews and Jewish Life in Imperial Russia and Eastern Europe, 1905-1939Pogroms and Antisemitic Writings and Publications, 1905-1919, undatedPogroms, 1905-1909, undated
Ukrains'ka Narodna Respublika (Ukrainian People's Republic), 1917-1926 Abstract Or Scope Printed materials related to the time of the UNR view more view less Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Zosa Szajkowski Collection, 1900s-1947Series II: Jews and Jewish Life in Imperial Russia and Eastern Europe, 1905-1939
Ukrainian, Polish, and Jewish subsections, 1933-1934 Request Abstract Or Scope (invitations to balls, concerts, protest meetings, meetings) view more view less Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Zosa Szajkowski Collection, 1900s-1947Series I: Jewish Organizations and Groups in France, 1922-1947Aid and Relief Groups and Organizations, 1931-1939, undatedSecours Rouge International (International Red Aid), 1931-1935, undated
Ufboy, 1922 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Zosa Szajkowski Collection, 1900s-1947Series II: Jews and Jewish Life in Imperial Russia and Eastern Europe, 1905-1939Jewish Periodicals and Publications, 1902-1929, undatedNewspapers and Magazines, 1902-1929, undated
Tsentral'nyi Evreiskii Komitet pomoshchi zhertvam voiny (Petrograd), undated Request Abstract Or Scope Appeal view more view less Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Zosa Szajkowski Collection, 1900s-1947Series II: Jews and Jewish Life in Imperial Russia and Eastern Europe, 1905-1939Pogroms and Antisemitic Writings and Publications, 1905-1919, undatedPogroms, 1905-1909, undated
Tsentral Komitet fun der Tzionistisher Organizatziye in Rusland, 1917 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Zosa Szajkowski Collection, 1900s-1947Series II: Jews and Jewish Life in Imperial Russia and Eastern Europe, 1905-1939Jewish Organizations, 1902-1919, undatedVarious Jewish and Zionist organizations and groups, 1915-1922, undated
Tseire-Tsiyon (Zeirei Zion), 1915-1918 Request Abstract Or Scope Printed materials (Kharkiv, Kyiv, Moscow, Petrograd): appeals, leaflets, application, guest card view more view less Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Zosa Szajkowski Collection, 1900s-1947Series II: Jews and Jewish Life in Imperial Russia and Eastern Europe, 1905-1939Jewish Organizations, 1902-1919, undatedVarious Jewish and Zionist organizations and groups, 1915-1922, undated
Tsayt (Odessa), [1919] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Zosa Szajkowski Collection, 1900s-1947Series II: Jews and Jewish Life in Imperial Russia and Eastern Europe, 1905-1939Jewish Periodicals and Publications, 1902-1929, undatedNewspapers and Magazines, 1902-1929, undated