Communications between Kim and various parties, 1940s-1970s. Note that there are letters between Kim and Hulbert in this file. Hulbert seems to have written articles that Kim had published. They seem to have been quite friendly in the 1940s. (Hulbert died in 1949.)
A Photograph depiciting the YMCA building in Seoul, Korea, showing ... cut during a demonostration on July 7th 1947. Photo by T/3 J. Duncan, 8 July, 1947.
Author: Gordon Winant Hewes; Richard N Hall; United States Board on Geographical Names. Publisher: Washington, D.C. : U.S. Board on Geographical Names, Dept. of the Interior, 1945. Series: Special publication (United States Board on Geographical Names), no. 51.
"ECHOES OF THE ORIENT: A Memoir of Life in the Far East" by Homer B. Hulbert F.R.G.S. [H.B.Hulbert/44 Springfield Street/Springfield, M.A.]. This is an unpublished manuscript.
Unpublished manuscript that appears to be on the history of Japan's aggressive tendencies in Asia (there is no title page and it is undated, though from the content it appears to have been written in the 1930s).
These letters are probably a copy made later but includes a red Imperial seal. Letters renounce the treaty of 18 November 1905. The letters are all dated 22 June 1906.
Copies of various treaties between Korea and other countries dating from 1882-1883. Originals appear to come from the National Archives. Multi-page copy of handwritten treaty between the US and Chosen (Korea) is also included. Original from the National Archives.
1 letter and 1 outline of a book: Letter: 1949 July 19, Choy, Tae-Hyok to Kim, Yong-Jeung, on Korean unification. Outline: Author: Choy, Tae-Hyok, "A Right Way toward Rescuing the Nation and the World".