Sung by Aaron Lebedeff and Lucy Levin in Sholom Secunda's newest Yiddish operetta "A Jewish Romance" by Louis Friedman, now playing at theRolland Theatre.
The Yiddish Theater collection includes material on the Yiddish theater collective The Vilna Troupe (Di Vilner trupe) regarding their shows in Europe (press clippings and programs). The collection also includes a few ephemera (autographed pictures), some correspondence of M. Schneidow/Shnatman, Kalisch, and Jonas Jacobson, and a variety of typescripts/manuscripts (incl. film exposés by M. Schneidow). The collection also includes the Bergen Belsen photo albums and Yiddish sheet music of the twentieth century published in New York City (primarily by Hebrew Publishing Co. and Metro Music).
Sung by Mrs. Jacobs. The Hit of the Season by B. Kovner: Musical Comedy in 3 Acts, Production Staged by Nathan Goldberg / Pinie the The Candy Kid Sung by Dina Goldberg Now Being Played with Great Success.
As sung by the inimitable artist Molly Picon and Muni Serebrov in "Sadie is a Lady" Play by Louis Freiman. Produced by Jacob Kalich. Song for Voice and Piano. Price 40 cents. Copyright 1950 by Henry Lefkowitch.