Carbon copy of 18-page ms., "On the Diachronic Role of the Morphological System", undated; Carbon copies of drafts of ms., "The Problem of Old Bulgarian št" with annotations (undated); assorted pages apparently from draft of same paper; Carbon copies of clean drafts of same paper; Carbon copy of 15-page review of Franz Altheim, Geschichte der lateinischen Sprache, von den Anfängen bix zum Beginn der Literatur (published in 1951); Carbon copy of 4-page review of Gino Bottiglioni, Manuale dei dialetti italici, Grammatica, Testi, Glossario con note etimologiche (published in 1954); Carbon copy of 6-page review of Hugh Hencken, "Indo-European Languages and Archaeology", article from American Anthropologist 1955; Carbon copy of 6-page review of Vittore Pisani, Le Lingue dell-Italia antica oltre il latino (published in 1953) and Emil Vetter, Handbuch der italischen Dialekte, I.Band: Texte mit Erklärung (both published in 1953); Drafts of some of above book reviews, with annotations; Letter from H.G. Lunt with critical comments on Diver's paper about Old Bulgarian št, addressed to Uriel Weinreich, and letter to Lunt from Diver responding to the criticisms (paper was published in 1955); Student paper by Diver, "Development of the Nasal Vowels of Old Slavic in Modern Russian", Jan. 30, 1950 (with grade of A+); Carbon copy of notes, "The Syntax of Umbrian"; Carbon copy of a 9-page text in Italian, apparently of an oral presentation by Diver, about the relationships among Latin, Oscan, and Umbrian.