Graham, J.A., 1927-1929 Request Abstract Or Scope (Letters sent by Tharchin from Lhasa; also includes tribute written by Tharchin.) view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library The Tharchin Collection, 1901-1975, bulk 1923-1963Series 3, CorrespondenceSubseries 1, Individuals
Singh, Sundar (Sadhu), 1928 Request Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library The Tharchin Collection, 1901-1975, bulk 1923-1963Series 3, CorrespondenceSubseries 1, Individuals
Yoseb Gergan, "Translating the bible into Tibetan," 1929 January, 1929 Request Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library The Tharchin Collection, 1901-1975, bulk 1923-1963Series 2, Archival Materials from the Tibet Mirror Press Editorial Offices (Kalimpong, India)Subseries 5, Other Materials
Miscellaneous, 1930-1953 Request Abstract Or Scope (Below are just a few of the names mentioned in these transcribed letters.) view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library The Tharchin Collection, 1901-1975, bulk 1923-1963Series 3, CorrespondenceSubseries 6, Letters transcribed by H.L. Fader [biographer]
Diary notes of Tharchin, 1931 January, 1931 Request Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library The Tharchin Collection, 1901-1975, bulk 1923-1963Series 2, Archival Materials from the Tibet Mirror Press Editorial Offices (Kalimpong, India)Subseries 1, Biographical and Personal Papers, 1923-1974
Young Lepcha, 1931 Request Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library The Tharchin Collection, 1901-1975, bulk 1923-1963Series 5, Printed MaterialsSubseries 1, Publications and Imprints of the Tibet Mirror PressSub-subseries 1, Printed Materials Housed in the Archival Collection
Polhill, 1933 January 15, 1933 Request Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library The Tharchin Collection, 1901-1975, bulk 1923-1963Series 3, CorrespondenceSubseries 1, Individuals
Government of Tibet, Foreign Affairs, 1933 March18, 1933 Request Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library The Tharchin Collection, 1901-1975, bulk 1923-1963Series 3, CorrespondenceSubseries 2, OrganizationsOther Organizations
Paul, K.S, 1933-1953 Request Abstract Or Scope (Includes letter regarding appointment as Head Lama of the Darjeeling High School.) view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library The Tharchin Collection, 1901-1975, bulk 1923-1963Series 3, CorrespondenceSubseries 1, Individuals
Letter regarding Rev. Evan Mackenzie's memorial, 1935 February 6, 1935 Request Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library The Tharchin Collection, 1901-1975, bulk 1923-1963Series 3, CorrespondenceSubseries 5, Unidentified