Author: illustrated by Gustave Doré ; edited with notes and a life of Milton by Robert Vaughan. Publisher: Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co.(New York, London, and Paris).
Author: translated out of the original tongues and with the former translations diligently compared. Edition: Authorized (King James) version ; self-pronouncing reference ed.. Publisher: Made for The Gideons by The National Bible Press(Philadelphia).
Author: Charles M. Doughty, with a new preface the author, introduction T. E. Lawrence, and all original maps, plans, & illustrations. Publisher: Boni & Liveright(New York) .
Author: edited & translated by William Burford and Christopher Middleton ; with drawings by Cyril Satorsky. Publisher: The University of Texas([Austin, Texas]).Series Title: Tower series. Series Volume: 7.