絵師/Artist: 廣重[三代目] Hiroshige III. Also known as: 三代目 歌川広重 Utagawa, Hiroshige, III, 1842?-1894. Published: Tokyo, Japan, Yamamoto Yoichi. 出版者: 山本與一. Geographical Subject: Ueno Park, Tokyo
The Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese War Prints Collection (Nisshin Nichi-Ro sensō nishikie; 日清・日露戦争錦絵) is a collection of 110 nishikie prints by various late 19th Century Japanese ukiyo-e artists depicting events during the First Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese War, as well as other events, dating from 1864-1904.
絵師/Artist: 楊斎延一 Yōsai Nobukazu. Also known as: 楊斎延一 Yōsai, Nobukazu, 1872-1944. Published: Tokyo, Japan, Hasegawa Sonokichi. 出版者: 長谷川園吉. Geographical Subject: 旅順口 Port Arthur
絵師/Artist: 月耕 Gekkō. Also known as: 尾形月耕 Ogata, Gekkō, 1859-1920. Published: Tokyo, Japan, Matsuno Yonejirō. 出版者: 松野米次郎. Geographical Subject: 旅順口 Port Arthur