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Sabra Moore, 1984-2022
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Sabra Moore Resume up to 1991
Sabra Moore Narrative Statement, c. 1991
1984 Postcard for "House Dress" Installation in NYC
1985, Poster "Documentation of an Installation: Gladys Apron" NYC
1987 Poster for Reconstruction Project exhibit at Powerhouse, Montreal
1987 Postcard for Reconstruction Project exhibit at Eye Level Gallery, Halifax, Nova Scotia
1988 Poster for Connections Project exhibition at Southeastern Mass. University Art Gallery
March 1988 "Statement for Panel 'Ethics and Aesthetics' for Artists Talk on Art"
1/28/1991 Letter to Sabra from Sharon Irish introducing self and asking for info
March 1991 postcard about Know Peace/No Peace exhibit in NYC (2 copies of pc; one handwritten to Sharon Irish), stapled to related photocopies
4/12/1991 Letter to Sharon Irish about meeting at WCA and sharing documents about her work
11/22/1991 Copy of letter from Sharon Irish to Sabra Moore, with thanks
2/18/1993 Letter to Sharon Irish about possible residency at University of Illinois, with Invitation to Sabra's birthday party in Brooklyn, NY
4/9/1993 Letter to Lori Blewett at University of Illinois about possible residency, with attached proposal (residency never happened)
1994 postcard about "Pearls: Visual Readings from Under the Manhattan Bridge"
4/15/95 postcard to Sharon Irish about exhibit proposal in Illinois
8/7/1995 Letter to Sharon Irish about possible exhibit at University of Illinois of Place/Displace & Pearls
No date, but texts related to Place/Dispace (Acworth Series), photocopied
12/26/1995 Letter to Sharon Irish about Illinois exhibit, and
1/17/1996 Sharon Irish letter to Castellani Art Museum about exhibit of Place/Displace
1996 postcard announcing move to New Mexico
1997 Postcard for Place/Displace exhibit in Santa Fe, NM
c. 1997 Back Offerings: letter to sell artist's books
9/21/1998 Fundraising letter for building roof on studio in Abiquiu, NM with offer of WOOD/WOULD for funders, including color photocopy poster of sample pages of WOOD/WOULD
2/11/99 Handwritten letter to Sharon Irish about WOOD/WOULD book with insertions about Carreta Boat and Petroglyphs booksigning in NYC
12/11/99 Letter requesting photocopy of recipient's palm and a word relating to trees for a work in progress
Brochure for 2002 exhibit in Santa Fe, NM, "Migrate, Immigrate, Translate"
9/12/2006 Fundraising card to support catalog for Harwood Museum of Art, Taos, NM
2007 Postcard for Harwood Museum exhibit, "Out of the Woods"
1/6/2012 2011-12 New Year's Card and envelope
2012 Mailer about "Odes and Offerings" collaborative exhibit in Santa Fe, NM
2012-13 New Year's Card and envelope
2013-14 New Year's Card
11/16/2014 Fundraising letter about Barnard College acquisition of Moore archive
2014 Handmade card of "Acceptance" and 10/19/2014 letter to Sharon Irish accompanying card
2015 New Year's Card - Collection Context
Sarah Kanouse with Shiloh Krupar, 2013-2014
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Towards a National Cold War Monuments and Environmental Heritage Trail, November 1-27, 2013, Figure One gallery, Champaign, IL, postcard for Charrette
National TLC Service Brochure, September 2013
The National Cold War Monuments and Environmental Heritage Trail: A Design Charrette, National TLC Service, booklet, 2013.
National TLC Service, stitched badge
Charrette Report Illinois, National TLC Service, booklet, Winter 2013/14 - Collection Context
Sarah Ross, 2008-2023
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Inaction: Preparing for a crash, Dittmar Gallery Northwestern University exhibition postcard, October 1-November 3, 2008
The Audacity of Desperation postcard, exhibit postcard for Independent Media Center, Urbana (curated by Sarah Ross and Jessica Lawless), 2008
P+NAP Posters, 2023 P+NAP=Prison + Neighborhood Arts Project - Collection Context
Sharon Irish Women Artists Ephemera collection, 1972-2014 .3 Linear Feet 1 document box
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The Sharon Irish Women Artists Ephemera collection includes ephemeral materials collected by art historian Sharon Irish from primarily white, U.S.-based women artists in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
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