Barlow, Francis Channing, New York, to Mr. O'Conor, June 3, 1875 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Sam Schaefler historical and literary letters and documents, 1674-1970sCataloged Correspondence
Barton, Rufus, Col., Warren, RI, August 14, 1771 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Sam Schaefler historical and literary letters and documents, 1674-1970sCataloged Documents
Benton Joel, "Abraham Lincoln" (poem) Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Sam Schaefler historical and literary letters and documents, 1674-1970sCataloged Manuscripts
Bernard de Sainte, Omar, et. al., Paris, September 15, 1794 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Sam Schaefler historical and literary letters and documents, 1674-1970sCataloged Documents
Besant, Annie Wood (1847-1933), Madras, India, to [Willie Wendt de Kerlor], October 16, 1913 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Sam Schaefler historical and literary letters and documents, 1674-1970sCataloged Correspondence
Biddle, A.J. Drexel, Philadelphia, Pa., to Charles C. Albertson, February 4, 1916 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Sam Schaefler historical and literary letters and documents, 1674-1970sCataloged Correspondence
Binyon, Laurence, [London], to "Dear Sir", June 24, 1931 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Sam Schaefler historical and literary letters and documents, 1674-1970sCataloged Correspondence
Binyon, Laurence., Streatley, Berks., UK, to [Cornelius Greenway], January 20, 1937 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Sam Schaefler historical and literary letters and documents, 1674-1970sCataloged Correspondence
Blair, Frank Preston, St. Louis, to Stillson Hutchins, December 2, 1973 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Sam Schaefler historical and literary letters and documents, 1674-1970sCataloged Correspondence
Boissy D'Anglas, François-Antoine, et. al., Paris, to Commission de l'Organization et du Mouvement des Armees de Terre, March 22, 1795 Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Sam Schaefler historical and literary letters and documents, 1674-1970sCataloged Correspondence