In June 1956, the President's Committee on the Educational Future of the University sent out a questionnaire to all 1956 graduates. Over 1,900 questionnaires were mailed out. The Committee asked those who "received a degree from Columbia this year" to speak about their experience. There were numerous questions: educational background, degree received, permanent address, residence during attendance, number of credits pursued each semester, scholarships and loans. Graduates were also asked to judge the value and quality of the lectures, recitations, examinations, and student-to-faculty and student-to-fellow-student relationships. They were asked to share what was the most rewarding and the least agreeable aspects of life at Columbia and to rate the library, housing, and recreational facilities. After 9 pages of questions, alumni were given 4 blank pages for additional comments. There is a full record carton (Box 11) and a half (Box 12) of completed questionnaires, as well as mailing labels and returned or undelivered forms. There are also the summaries, tabulations, code sheets, etc. The student comments in the blank pages were later transcribed and organized by school.