Why Should We Change Our Form of Government?, 1911 November 27, 1911 Box 1, Folder 42 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series I: Individual Speeches
Why Should We Change Our Form of Government?, 1911 November 27, 1911 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series 2: Grouped Speeches1911-1912
William McKinley-and Twenty Years After, 1920 January 29, 1920 Box 3, Folder 29 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series I: Individual Speeches
Will to Peace, 1927 January 10, 1927 Box 5, Folder 9 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series I: Individual Speeches
Work to be Done, 1938 May 6, 1938 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series 2: Grouped Speeches1937 January-1938 October, 1937
World Conditions we are Facing, 1939 February 14, 1939 Box 10, Folder 16 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series I: Individual Speeches
World Peace Today, 1935 August 23, 1935 Box 9, Folder 6 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series I: Individual Speeches