Viscount Halifax, 1941 March 25, 1941 Box 11, Folder 15 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series I: Individual Speeches
Wait and See, 1941 September 24, 1941 Box 11, Folder 18 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series I: Individual Speeches
War Debts, 1932 November 25, 1932 Box 8, Folder 4 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series I: Individual Speeches
War Debts and The World Crisis, 1932 July 7, 1932 Box 7, Folder 21 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series I: Individual Speeches
War Debts and the World Crisis, 1932 July 7, 1932 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series 2: Grouped Speeches1932 April-July, 1932
Welcome Address to American Association of Collegiate Registrars, 1916 April 18, 1916 Box 2, Folder 21 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series I: Individual Speeches
Welcome to Joseph Caillaux, 1925 October 2, 1925 Box 4, Folder 30 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series I: Individual Speeches
Weltprobmeme und offentlicje Meinung: Die Funamente des Friedens, Das Neue Europa, 1930 June 8, 1930 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series 2: Grouped Speeches1930 April-December, 1930
What Does Freedom Mean?, 1943 September 5, 1943 Box 11, Folder 28 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series I: Individual Speeches
What is Progress in Politics?, 1912 December 14, 1912 Box 2, Folder 5 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series I: Individual Speeches