Imponderables, 1930 April 30, 1930 Box 6, Folder 13 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series I: Individual Speeches
Imponderables, Nord Und Sud and La Nueva Democracia, 1930 April 30, 1930 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series 2: Grouped Speeches1930 April-December, 1930
In Defense of Youth, 1922 June 7, 1922 Box 4, Folder 2 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series I: Individual Speeches
Induction to Office of President of the Lotos Club at the Lotos Club, 1923 April 14, 1923 Box 4, Folder 9 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series I: Individual Speeches
Industrial Civil War Must End, 1946 January 23, 1946 Box 12, Folder 12 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series I: Individual Speeches
Industrial Peace, 1919 September 3, 1919 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series 2: Grouped Speeches1919 April-1919 December, 1919
In Honor of Gerhart Hauptmann, 1932 February 28, 1932 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series 2: Grouped Speeches1932 February-March, 1932
In Honor of Marshal Foch, 1921 November 19, 1921 Box 3, Folder 38 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series I: Individual Speeches
In Honor of Nicholas Murray Butler Lotus Club, New York, 1932 January 3, 1932 Box 7, Folder 10 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series I: Individual Speeches
In Honor of Owen D. Young, 1930 December 3, 1930 Box 6, Folder 21 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series I: Individual Speeches