A Much Needed Prayer, 1935 June 4, 1935 Box 9, Folder 4 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series I: Individual Speeches
An Abstract of the Address of President Nicholas Murray Butler at the Semi-centennial Celebration of the American Mathematical Society, 1939 January, 1939 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series 2: Grouped Speeches1939 January-July, 1939
An Address at a luncheon given by The Republican Committee at the Sinton Hotel, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1918 August 20, 1918 Box 3, Folder 13 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series I: Individual Speeches
An Age of Irrationalism, 1911 June 7, 1911 Box 1, Folder 40 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series I: Individual Speeches
An Answer to Senator W.E. Borah by Henry L. Stimson and Nicholas Murray Butler, 1939 September 15, 1939 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series 2: Grouped Speeches1939 January-July, 1939
A National Budget and Efficient Administration, 1920 January 12, 1920 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series 2: Grouped Speeches1920 December-1921 November, 1920
Andrew Carnegie, Benefactor, International Conciliation, 1935 November 24, 1935 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series 2: Grouped Speeches1935 November, 1935
Andrew W. Mellon, 1926 February 6, 1926 Box 4, Folder 34 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series I: Individual Speeches
An Episode of the Endless Adventure at the Lawyers Club, 1936 April 29, 1936 Box 9, Folder 16 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series I: Individual Speeches
A New Method of Admission to College, 1909 April 24, 1909 Box 1, Folder 31 Columbia University Archives Nicholas Murray Butler speeches, 1882-1947Series I: Individual Speeches