Wcislo, "Otnoshenie mezhdu pravitel'stvom I mestnoi vlast'iu. Stolypin i tret'eiiun'skiaq monarkhiia" Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Leopold Haimson Papers, 1890s-1999Series VI: Colloquia and Conferences, 1975-19911990Leningrad colloquium "Development of the revolutionary situation in early twentieth century russia" / "Rabochii klass i revoliutsionnye situatsii v rossii v nachale XX veka", Leningrad, 3-9, June 1990Translations of Papers:
Weiner, Douglas. "Community ecology in Stalin's Russia: "Socialist" and "Bourgeois" science,", 1984 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Leopold Haimson Papers, 1890s-1999Series XI: Writings by Others, 1934-1990sSubseries XI.2: Academic and Professional Works, 1934-1990s
Weissman, Neil. "Policing the NEP countryside" Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Leopold Haimson Papers, 1890s-1999Series VI: Colloquia and Conferences, 1975-19911986NEP conference, 1986. Papers
"Well-ordered police state and the development of modernity in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Europe: an attempt at a comparative approach,", 1975 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Leopold Haimson Papers, 1890s-1999Series XI: Writings by Others, 1934-1990sSubseries XI.2: Academic and Professional Works, 1934-1990sRaeff, Marc:
Werth, Nicolas, 1980-1982 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Leopold Haimson Papers, 1890s-1999Series I: Correspondence, 1950s-1990sSubseries I.2: General Correspondence, 1959-1997
Wesleyan University Press, 1963 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Leopold Haimson Papers, 1890s-1999Series I: Correspondence, 1950s-1990sSubseries I.4: Subject Correspondence, 1959-1999Sub-subseries I.4.3: Correspondence with Publishers, 1959-1991
"Westernization, revolution and the search for a basis of authority - Russia in 1917,", 1967 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Leopold Haimson Papers, 1890s-1999Series XI: Writings by Others, 1934-1990sSubseries XI.2: Academic and Professional Works, 1934-1990sVon Laue, Theodore:
Westvew Press, 1992 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Leopold Haimson Papers, 1890s-1999Series I: Correspondence, 1950s-1990sSubseries I.4: Subject Correspondence, 1959-1999Sub-subseries I.4.3: Correspondence with Publishers, 1959-1991
"What happened? How did he get away with it? Ivan Grozny's paranoia and the problem of institutional restraints,", 1984 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Leopold Haimson Papers, 1890s-1999Series XI: Writings by Others, 1934-1990sSubseries XI.2: Academic and Professional Works, 1934-1990sHellie Richard:
Wheatsbeaf Books Ltd., 1987 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Leopold Haimson Papers, 1890s-1999Series I: Correspondence, 1950s-1990sSubseries I.4: Subject Correspondence, 1959-1999Sub-subseries I.4.3: Correspondence with Publishers, 1959-1991