Steven G. Kellman to Joseph Brodsky, 26 October 1995 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Letter from David Cronin to Joseph Brodsky and program for a memorial service for Lola Szladits, 17 April 1990. Removed from: Love and death by Lola L. Szladits Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Letter from Stanley Holwitz, The University of California Press, to Joseph Brodsky, 19 June 1995. Removed from: Letters from prison and other essays by Adam Michnik Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Postcard from Michael Marchto Joseph Brodsky, undated Removed from: Child of Europe : a new anthology of East European poetry Edited by Michael March., undated Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Letter from Rosamond Richardson to Joseph Brodsky, 11 November n.y. Removed from: The long shadow: inside Stalin's family by Rosamond Richardson Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Invoice from Odyssey Book Shop, 24 February1992. Removed from: Conjunctions and disjunctions by Octavio Paz Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Page from the New Yorker magazine, 15 April 1985 with cartoon. Removed from: The unquiet grave : a word cycle by Palinurus (Cyril Connolly)., April 1985 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Letter to Joseph Brodsky on The New Republic letterhead, dated 6 December, and a notice from Farrar, Straus, Giroux. Removed from: The Akhmatova journals by Lydia Chukovskaya Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Note to Joseph Brodsky from Jonathan, 24 August 1990. Removed from: Selected poems by Zbigniew Herbert Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Photograph of Susan Sontag and a clipping. Removed from: The benefactor, a novel .by Sontag Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Joanna, 22 May 1991 (postcard with photocopy of poem and birthday invitation to Alexandra Pringle's 40th Birthday Party). Removed from: Postwar Polish poetry : an anthology selected and edited by Czesław Miłosz., May 1991 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Letter from Jane Howle, Baskerville Publishing, to Joseph Brodsky, 2 November 1993. Removed from: The seventh wife : a novel by Andrei Moscovit Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Robert Conquest Forword to Vaksberg's book on Vyshinsky ( Removed from: The prosecutor : Andrei Vyshinsky and the Moscow show trials by Arkady Vaksberg Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Review of "An Analysis of 'Markings' by Gustag Aulen". Removed from: Markings by Dag Hammarskjold Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Two poems by Jacob Miller. Removed from: The Yorkville anthology of new writers : a collection of poetry & prose edited by Jacob Miller. Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Unsigned post-it note. Removed from: The best American poetry, 1988 John Ashbery, editor Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Two 1972 receipts from the Pensione accademia "Villa Maravegie", Venice. Removed from: The young British poets edited by Jeremy Robson, 1972 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Note from Grace Gavalieri, undated. Removed from: WPFW 89.3 FM poetry anthology edited by Grace Cavalieri Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Letter to Joseph Brodsky from Poetry International Rotterdam, 11 June 1994. Removed from: Poetry : a spoken anthology Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Handwritten note to Joseph Brodsky. Removed from: Carel Willink : tekeningen en aquarellen = drawings and watercolors : Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 19 September t/m 1 November 1992. Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Anna Akhmatova: Two photocopies of English-language translations and two handwritten notes. Removed from: Sochinenii︠a︡ by Anna Akhmatova Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Letter from Sergeĭ Batovrin to Joseph Brodsky, 29 October 1993 New York City, and two photocopied pages relating to Ėkologii︠a︡ smysla: Ecology of meaning. Removed from: Ėkologii︠a︡ smysla = Ecology of meaning by Sergeĭ Batovrin, October 1993 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
"Of 'Self' and Saintly Expanses" Clipping from the Boston Phoenix , 7 December 1976. Removed from: Zoloto skifov by A.M. Khazanov Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Three postcards and two photographs. Removed from: Tekhnologii︠a︡ chërnogo rynka, ili, Krestʹi︠a︡nskoe isskustvo golodatʹ by Lev Timofeev Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Carol Fergus letter, 2 September 1977. Removed from: O dukhovnom v iskusstve by Vasiliĭ Kandinskiĭ Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Article on Mikhail Baryshnikov from the Daily Telegraph , 24 August 2002. Removed from: Baryshnikov in black and white introduction by Joan Acocella Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Four pages from New Yorker magazine. Removed from: Joseph Czapski, rétrospective : Musée Jenisch, Vevey, du 30 juin au 15 septembre, 1990 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Postcard from Tom and Debbie, 1975. Removed from: Tragedii . by Per. s drevnegrech. I. Annenskogo. [Vstupit. statʹi︠a︡ i komment. V. I︠A︡rkho. Ill.: V. Noskov]. Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Letter to Brodsky from Igorʹ Efimov of Hermitage publishers, 15 February1991. Removed from: Posvi︠a︡shchaetsi︠a︡ Akhmatovoĭ : stikhi raznykh poėtov, posvi︠a︡shchennye Akhmatovoĭ sostavlenie P. Dėvidson i I. Tlasti ; vstupitelʹnai︠a︡ statʹi︠a︡, podgotovka teksta i primechanii︠a︡ P. Dėvidson ; predislovie E.B. Reĭna Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Letter from Terry Karten, Harper Collins to Joseph Brodsky, 13 May 1991. Removed from: Dreyfus : a family affair, 1789-1945 by Michael Burns. Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Note, undated Removed from: Six American Poets: an anthology edited by Joel Conarroe, undated Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Clipping from the Boston Globe. Removed from: Stikhotvorenii︠a︡; Poėmy by E.A. Baratynskiĭ ; izdanie podgotovil L.G. Frizman Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Letter from Cynthia LeClaire to Joseph Brodsky, 30 January 1992. Removed from: Homage to the Light by Cynthia LeClaire Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Letter from Inna Rostovt︠s︡eva to Joseph Brodsky, 1992. Removed from: Luchshie stikhi goda by po mnienii︠u︡ literaturnykh kritikov Larisy Baranovoĭ Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Distinguished Alumnae Awards 1986. Removed from: When in the rain a snow : poems by Joan Vayo Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Typed letter from Svetlana Perttu to Joseph Brodsky, 26 June 1993. Removed from: Dva okeana slez, ne prolitykh po mne--rasskazy by Svetlana Perttu. Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Letter from the author to Joseph Brodsky and letter from Anto Sepp to Joseph Brodsky, 1 & 9 December 1991. Removed from: Poetry in cadence : a sample by Mac Ashworth, Jr. Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Postcard with portrait of Adam Mickiewicz. Removed from: Stikhotvorenii︠a︡ Poėmy by Adam Mit︠s︡kevich Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Letter from Xenia Khlevnikov to Joseph Brodsky, 5 December 1976. Removed from: To see a thing : rhythms, typographs, and prose poems by Keith Gunderson Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Business card with inscription from Zeszyty literackie. Removed from: Widokówka z tego świata : i inne rymy z lat 1986-1988 by Stanisław Barańczak Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Letter from Bojana Mojsov 30 November 1990 Removed from: Oro oko grotla by Zlata Kocić., November 1990 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Two-page typed poem to Joseph Brodsky by Valeriĭ Rodev, 26 March1990 Removed from: Prokhodi︠a︡ vdolʹ kanala : stikhi by Vladimir Frenkelʹ, March1990 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Letter from Ruth Greenstein, Harcort Brace Jovanovich to Joseph Brodsky, 13 January 1992 Removed from: First light : mother & son poems : a twentieth-century American selection edited by Jason Shinder., January 1992 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Letter from Michael Edwards to Joseph Brodsky, 21 May 1985 Removed from: The ballad of Mobb Conroy by Michael Edwards, May 1985 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
W.H. Auden "The English Attitude" and "The Anti-Hero" Removed from: The brothers Karamazov translated from the Russian by Constance Garnett Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Letter from the author to Joseph Brodsky, 23 October, 1991 from Winston-Salem, NC Removed from: Poems of praise and protest : covering 60 years by Doris Sanford Arnold., October, 1991 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Photocopy of article entitled "Amerikanskai︠a︡ poėzii︠a︡ nashikh dneĭ" by M.L. Rozentalʹ Removed from: Slezy bludnogo syna by Ivan Gundulich Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Letter from Samuel Ramer to Joseph Brodsky, 21 May 1991 Removed from: Blockade diary by Elena Kochina ; translated & introduced by Samuel C. Ramer, May 1991 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Letter to Joseph Brodsky from David, 17 October 1976 and envelope to Joseph Brodsky from Mr. Vl. Maramzine in Paris Removed from: Sobranie stikhov, 1913-1939 by Vladislav Khodasevich, October 1976 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection
Letter from Slobodan Milić to Joseph Brodsky and printed poem signed by Slobodan Milić Removed from: " Miłość jest wszystkim, co istnieje " Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Joseph Brodsky collection of letters, manuscripts, notes and books from his library, 1972-1995Items from the Joseph Brodsky Book Collection