Folder, contents: 9 cards with notes in French on Leon Walras, letters to, from, about Leon Walras, 1 envelope containing pamphlet by Leon Walras.; 2 cop. Suppliment Au No 136, du 11 juin 1909. de la "Gazetter de Lausanne" about photograph of a medal with a portrait of Leon Walras.; Photographed titles "Avec mes meilleures Voeux de nouvel an, Leon Walras, ler janvier, 1906"; supplement an no. 304 du 5 novembre 1910 de la Gazette de Lausanne; "Gazette de Lausanne" 1 ea. Jan 8, 1910, Jan 6, 1910, copy, Journal Suisse Jan. 1910; Page (34) of Elements D'Economie Politique Pure. By Leon Walras, One handwritten and one typewritten copy of short one-half page article on Leon Walras, with enclosing letter asking for same, signed HL Moore; Ms. Entitled Notice Biographique sur AA Walras with notes attached in handwriting.; Thank you note of Walras from Moore. {End Folder}; Notebook with two pages of notes on Walras Revue scientifique 8 Aout, 1908.; Envelope with ad and pamphlet by Irving Fisher; Letter from McGraw-Hill (d'advertizement); Notes in English and French on Political Econo. Books (in journal); Notes on Economic Journal Vol. 20 (1910) in Joumal One map. Ads, bills, short notes from colleagues, 72 pieces.