Harris, Thomas Lake Unidentified Mss., [v.p.], [v.d.] one dated 23 Sept 1878 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries III.1: Articles, A-Z
Harris, Thomas Lake "The Advance of the Thinker: Divine Rest" - tms., ms. ; "Approaching Judgement of the Colored Race" - ms. ; The Artist Supreme" - ms.; An Autobiographic Sketch" - tms., [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries III.1: Articles, A-Z
Harris, Thomas Lake "Beginnings of the New Order" - ms.; The Bible: Its Weaknesses and its Power" - ms.; Bridal Love, the Keystone of the Arch" - tms.; "The Bridal Word" (in part) - ms.; "Building Order in the New Life" - tms., ms., [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries III.1: Articles, A-Z
Harris, Thomas Lake "Chastity, Poverty and Obedience---The Three Vital Principles of the Spiritual Evolution" - tms., ms.; "Christ is the Word of the Universe" - tms., ms.; "The Church Does not Build on the Divine Ground" - tms., ms.; "The Church Fights All New Revelations" - tms.; "The Church the Bride of the State" - tms., ms.; "The Concept of Christ Rejected by Christendom" - tms.; "Concept of the Word" (?) - ms.; "The Conflict Between the Upper and the Under Powers" - tms., ms.; "The Conflict of the Two Authorities" - tms., ms.; "Creeds Suppress God's Evolution" - tms., ms., [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries III.1: Articles, A-Z
Harris, Thomas Lake "Diary in Wales" - tms. ; "The Divine Bible is in Man" - tms., ms. ; "The Doctrine of Liberty" - ms., [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries III.1: Articles, A-Z
Harris, Thomas Lake "Easter Lilies" - ms. ; "Esoteric Buddhism: A Critique" - ms, [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries III.1: Articles, A-Z
Harris, Thomas Lake "The Face---Not the Spirit---of History Changes" - tms., ms. ; "The Fate of the False Religionists" - tms., ms. ; "A Few Fragments" - tms., ms. ; "Forces that Obstruct the Descent of the Luminous People" - tms., ms. ; "Freedom from the Slavery of Labor" - tms. ; "Freedom, Humility, and the Unborn Church" - tms., ms. ; "The Functions of the True King" - tms., ms., [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries III.1: Articles, A-Z
Harris, Thomas Lake "A Glimpse of the Kingdom Descended to Earth's Frontier" - tms., ms ; "A Glimpse of the New Time" - tms., ms. ; "A Glimpse of Woman's Difficult Problem" - tms. ms. ; "Glimpses of Life in the New Time" - tms., ms. ; "The Golden Mean" - ms. ; "The [Greensim] Day" - ms., [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries III.1: Articles, A-Z
Harris, Thomas Lake "The Hell-Swamp Redeemed into a Paradise" - tms., ms. ; "Hell the Parasite of Earth: Savior-Work Therein" - tms., ms. ; "Hell the Parasite of Earth: The Angels" - tms., ms. ; "Hints for the Order of the New Time" - tms., ms. ; "Homes: New Forces: The Tree of Life" - tms. ; "How Lost Souls are Saved" - ms., [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries III.1: Articles, A-Z
Harris, Thomas Lake "The Immense Problem of Society" - tms., ms. ; "Is the Divine Word, a Book or a Man?" - tms., ms., [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries III.1: Articles, A-Z
Harris, Thomas Lake "Ladys Day Feb 8" - ms. ; "Law as the Form of God" - ms. ; "The Law of Isolation" - ms. ; "The Law of the Lord's Descent into Earth" - tms., ms. ; "The Law of the Separation of the Sexes" - tms. ; "A Leaf from Eternity" - tms., ms. ; "Lily's Song" - tms., ms. ; "The Little Builders of the Body" - tms. ; "Localities: March of Events" - ms. ; "The Lord as the Warrior" - tms., ms. ; "The Lord Dwells in all Pleases of Life" - tms., ms. ; "The Lord Manifested as the Solar Man" - tms., ms. ; "Lost Eden and the Law of Forgiveness" -tms., ms. ; "The Lost Ideal of the People" - tms., [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries III.1: Articles, A-Z
Harris, Thomas Lake "Mankind Immersed in Stenches" - tms., ms. ; "Marriage Mysteries" "It is now in order to make..." - tms., ms. ; "Marriage Mysteries" "Woman in divine order..." - tms., ms. ; "A Memorandum of Principles" - tms., ms. ; "The Miracle of Love" - ms. ; "More Words to Correspondents" - tms., ms. ; "A Morning Talk" - ms., [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries III.1: Articles, A-Z
Harris, Thomas Lake "The [Olean] Ideal" - ms. ; "The Occult Events on the Brink of the New Time" - tms., ms. ; "Occult San Francisco: Other Occult Tidings" - tms., ms. ; "The Oneness of the Two Great Religions" - tms., ms., [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries III.1: Articles, A-Z
Harris, Thomas Lake "Preparation for the New Earth" - tms., ms. ; "Provisional Organization in the New Time" - tms., ms. ; "Private Property and Social Life in the Light of the Christ" - tms. ; "Principles of Social Fraternity" - tms., [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries III.1: Articles, A-Z
Harris, Thomas Lake "The Reserve of Royalty" - tms., ms. ; "The Revival of the Memories" - tms., ms. ; "The Rise of Arch-Natural Religion" - tms., ms., [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries III.1: Articles, A-Z
Harris, Thomas Lake "The Sexes Need for a Season a Monastic Separation" - tms., ms. ; "Shakerism as Seen from the Viewpoint of the New Life" - ms. ; "Shakerism in the Unseen: Ann Lee in her Paradise" - tms., ms. ; "A Sketch of Social Beginnings" - tms. ; "The Social Sense the Soul of Solidarity" - tms., ms. ; "Some Principles of the Divine Order" - tms., ms. ; "Some Principles of the New Life" - tms., ms. ; "Sources of Man's Life" - tms., ms. ; "Spiritual Scientifics" - tms., ms. ; "Steps to Physical Immortality" - tms., ms. ; "Steps toward the New Life" - tms., ms., [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries III.1: Articles, A-Z
Harris, Thomas Lake "Theo-Socialism" - ms. ; "Tidings from the Unseen" Chapter 1 - ms. ; "The Tribunal of the Greater Crimes" - tms., ms. ; "Trinities in God and Man" - tms., ms., [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries III.1: Articles, A-Z
Harris, Thomas Lake "Unconverting 'the Converted': Lifting Spirits out of the Fantasies of Churchianity" - tms., ms. ; "Voices that Die into Echoes" - tms., ms., [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries III.1: Articles, A-Z
Harris, Thomas Lake "Wages and Other Problems in New Society" tms., ms. ; "The Wisdom of the Adepts" - ms. ; "A Word on Esoteric Buddhism" - tms. ; "A Word on the Religions" - tms., ms. ; "Words of Yessa" - tms., ms. ; "Wrongs to Labor, with Hints for a New Order" - tms., ms., [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries III.1: Articles, A-Z
Harris, Thomas Lake "The Luminious Life" - Various Drafts, [n.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries III.2: Titled Prose A-Z
Harris, Thomas Lake ["The Wisdom of the Adepts"], [n.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries III.2: Titled Prose A-Z
Harris, Thomas Lake Unidentified Manuscripts, [v.p], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries IIII.3: Unidentified Prose
Harris, Thomas Lake Misc. Poetry "A-D", [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries IIII.4: Poetry
Harris, Thomas Lake Misc. Poetry "E-G", [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries IIII.4: Poetry
Harris, Thomas Lake Misc. Poetry "H-J", [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries IIII.4: Poetry
Harris, Thomas Lake Misc. Poetry "L-N", [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries IIII.4: Poetry
Harris, Thomas Lake Misc. Poetry "O-R", [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries IIII.4: Poetry
Harris, Thomas Lake Misc. Poetry "S-U, [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries IIII.4: Poetry
Harris, Thomas Lake Misc. Poetry "V-W", [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries IIII.4: Poetry
Harris, Thomas Lake Quotations and Excerpts, [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries IIII.4: Poetry
Lawton, George Interviews on Harris, [n.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series IV: Lawton & Schneider's Notes and Research Files
Lawton, George Letters to Lawton regarding Harris/Oliphant, [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series IV: Lawton & Schneider's Notes and Research Files
Lawton, George Notes by Lawton, [n.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series IV: Lawton & Schneider's Notes and Research Files
Misc. Material - No direct Harris connection, [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series IV: Lawton & Schneider's Notes and Research Files
Lawton, George & H.L. Schneider Lawton & Schneider Notes - Harris and Related, [n.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series IV: Lawton & Schneider's Notes and Research Files
Lawton, George & H.L. Schneider Schneider and Lawton's Correspondence on their Book about Harris, [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series IV: Lawton & Schneider's Notes and Research Files
[Lawton, George] On the Chevaillier Case - Notes, [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series IV: Lawton & Schneider's Notes and Research Files
Articles and Pamphlets on T.L. Harris, [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series IV: Lawton & Schneider's Notes and Research Files
Material Used for Chapter XX of "The Gateway of the Comfortings", [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series IV: Lawton & Schneider's Notes and Research Files
[Lawton, George] Copied Source Material, [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series IV: Lawton & Schneider's Notes and Research Files
[Lawton, George] Notes for Harris book, [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series IV: Lawton & Schneider's Notes and Research Files
[Lawton, George] Notes and Copies of Extracts from Harris Books made in Santa Rosa, [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series IV: Lawton & Schneider's Notes and Research Files
Schneider, H.L. Notes for Chapter 1, [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series IV: Lawton & Schneider's Notes and Research Files
Lawton, George Notes about Harris from papers, etc., [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series IV: Lawton & Schneider's Notes and Research Files
Templeton, James Murray Address Book (1891) and Diary (1881;1884), [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Abstract Or Scope [This folder is on Microfilm. MN#2001-3110-1] view more view less Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series IV: Lawton & Schneider's Notes and Research Files
Templeton, Rosamond Misc. Material, [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series IV: Lawton & Schneider's Notes and Research Files
Letters, articles, and photostats on Lawrence Oliphant and his writings, [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series IV: Lawton & Schneider's Notes and Research Files
Schneider, H.L. Misc. Schneider Notes - Chapter 2, [v.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series IV: Lawton & Schneider's Notes and Research Files
[Markham, E.] [Dictation by E.M.], [n.p.], [v.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series V: Miscellaneous
Harris, Thomas Lake "The Meditations of a Queen", [n.p.], Sept 1874 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Harris-Oliphant papers, 1867-1940Series III: WritingsSubseries IIII.4: Poetry