Paul Rosenfeld "Florine Stettheimer", Accent, Winter, 1945 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
Jeannette Ross "Faces Take Their Places at Museum" , The Lewisboro Ledger, Thursday, September 23, 1993 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
"Stettheimer Exhibition" , New York Times, Sunday, September 19, 1993 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
Vivien Raynor "A Rogues' Gallery of Artists and Esthetes" , New York Times, Sunday, October 24, 1993 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
Frederick W. Eddy "Panel Painting, Suggestive of a Fresco of Period of Louis XVI", The World, Sunday, October 22, 1916 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
Roberta Smith "The Very Rich Hours of Florine Stettheimer", New York Times, Sunday, October 10, 1993 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
Henry McBride "Independent Art Has Vivid Opening: Nudes Seem in Style Again, Says Visitor at Exhibition", New York Herald, Sunday, Nov ?, 1923? Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
Howard Devree "Modern Masters" , New York Times, Sunday, [n.d.] Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
Edward Alden Jewell "In the Realm of Art: Important Current Shows" , New York Times, Sunday, February 14, 1932 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
Allen Hughes "In Virgil Thomson's Rooms, Style Reigns" , New York Times, Sunday, April 16, 1972 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
"Florine Stettheimer has her day" , Hudson Valley, September, 1993 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
Edouard Roditi "The Fate of Otto Freundlich, painter 'maudit'" , Commentary, September 1955 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
Steichen, photographer "Callot and Paquin Creations for the Evening Mode", Vogue, September 1923 Request Abstract Or Scope [Screen behind model by Florine Stettheimer] view more view less Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
Joseph Solomon To Jane Sabersky, [n.p.], September 18, 1973 Request Abstract Or Scope [Enclosed in View Magazine] view more view less Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series I: Correspondence
"KMA Exhibit Examines the Portrait", Trader Weekend, September 16, 1993 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
"Vogue Spotlight", Vogue, September 15, 1946 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
Two New Shows at the Katonah (NY) Museum, "Friends and Family: Portraiture in the World of Florine Stettheimer" , Weekend Magazine, September 15-16, 1993 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
Stettheimer exhibition at Katonah , NewYork Magazine, September 13, 1993 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
Frank Merkling "Witty '20s, '30s portraits in Katonah", News-Times (Danbury, CT), September 12, 1993 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
Henry McBride "$20,000 Purchase Fun Leads to Gay and Vivacious Display" , New York Sun, Saturday, November 26, 1932 Request Abstract Or Scope [partial] view more view less Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
Henry McBride "Chicago's Art Emphasizes Good Taste rather than any Special Virility", New York Sun, Saturday, March 4, 1933 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
"Portrait of Adolfo Best-Maugard", post-1920 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VI: PhotographsSubseries VI.1: Stettheimer's work
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and Mary Todhunter Clark Rockefeller To Ettie Stettheimer, [N.Y.], October, [n.y.] Request Abstract Or Scope [Invitation to dinner preceeding the opening of the Florine Stettheimer Exhibition October 1st, [n.d]] view more view less Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series I: Correspondence
Article, New York Tribune, October 24, 1916 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
"American Society Opens Art Display at Whitney Gallery" , New York Herald, October 23, 1921 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
Article, Brooklyn Eagle, October 22, 1916 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
"Paintings and Prints Open", New York Times Magazine, October 22, 1916 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
"Miss Stettheimer's Oils", American Art News, October 21, 1916 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
W.G. Bowdoin "Miss Florine Stettheimer at Knoedler's", the Brooklyn Evening World, October 21, 1916 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
Article, New York Evening Mail, October 21, 1916 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
Article, New York Evening Post, October 21, 1916 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
Article, New York Evening Post, October 21, 1916 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
Carl Van Vechten "The World of Florine Stettheimer" , Harper's Bazaar, October, 1946 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
"Something to Talk About", Newsweek, October 1946 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
"Exhibition of Paintings by Miss Florine Stettheimer", Mssrs. M. Knoedler & Co., October 16-28, 1916 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.1: Exhibition/performance notices and invitations
"A Stranger Here Herself", Newsweek, October 14, 1946 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
"Florine" , New Yorker, October 1, 1946 Request Abstract Or Scope [partial] view more view less Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
"Invitation for opening of the Alfred Stieglitz Collection of Modern Art for Fisk University and the Florine Stettheimer Memorial Collection of Books about the Fine Arts", Fisk University, November 4, 1949 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.1: Exhibition/performance notices and invitations
Stuart Preston "Major Art Events by Renaissance Masters: Some Contemporaries" , New York Times, November 3, 1963 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
Burton Rascoe "A Bookman's Day Book" , New York Tribune, November 25, 1923 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
First Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting, Whitney Museum of American Art, November 22, 1932-January 5, 1933 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.2: Catalogues
"The Galleries-a Critical Guide" , New York Herald Tribune, November 2, 1963 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
Glenway Wescott To Ettie Stettheimer, [n.p.], November 21, 1946 Request Abstract Or Scope [Including a copy of his letter to the editor of "Art News" and draft of her reply] view more view less Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series I: Correspondence
Salon D'Automne, 15eme Exposition, November 1-December 20, 1922 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.2: Catalogues
Monroe Wheeler "Soutine" , Harper's Bazaar, November 1950 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
"Mr. and Mrs. Rodolph Valentino"(draped over Stettheimer painting), Vanity Fair, November 1923 Request Abstract Or Scope [Reverse of Callot and Paquin photo] view more view less Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
Henry McBride "Barrau's Spanish Sunlight Pictures Attract Attention" , New York Herald, November 18, 1923 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
"People are Talking About" , Vogue, November 1, 1963? Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
Carlyle Burrows "The Week in Art" , New York Tribune, November 11, 1945 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles
John Gruen "Golden Stage, Silver Screen", November 10, 1963 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Florine Stettheimer papers, 1920-1940Series VII: Printed MaterialSubseries VII.4: Clippings and articles