为工农兵服务,同工农兵结合 Mapcase b6 Abstract Or Scope Rolled-up poster view more view less C.V. Starr East Asian Library Ephemera collection on Chinese science, technology, law, and society, circa 1906-2010, bulk 1931-1981Series IV: Posters, 海报, circa 1949-2010
第10幅. 聲學, 1949-1956 Mapcase b6, Folder c0002, Item 10 C.V. Starr East Asian Library Ephemera collection on Chinese science, technology, law, and society, circa 1906-2010, bulk 1931-1981Series IV: Posters, 海报, circa 1949-2010物理學掛圖. 第一輯 / 張開圻編 ; 葛興萼, 宋玉素繪, 1949-1956
第10圖. 空中的光學現象, 1953 April Mapcase b6, Folder c0008, Item 10 C.V. Starr East Asian Library Ephemera collection on Chinese science, technology, law, and society, circa 1906-2010, bulk 1931-1981Series IV: Posters, 海报, circa 1949-2010自然科學. 天地現象圖 / 編者呂憲章 ; 校訂者中國天文學會, 大眾天文社, 余皓, 吳和賡, 1953 April
大众科学譯叢之10, 为医学服务的原子能 / [苏联]格鲁德辰斯基著, 1958 Box 3, Item 222 Abstract Or Scope Publisher: 科学普及出版社 view more view less C.V. Starr East Asian Library Ephemera collection on Chinese science, technology, law, and society, circa 1906-2010, bulk 1931-1981Series I: Books and Ephemera, 书册类, circa 1906-1986
初級科学知識讀本. 第三輯 (10), 时间和历法, 1959 Box 1, Item 107 Abstract Or Scope Publisher: 上海科学技术出版社 view more view less C.V. Starr East Asian Library Ephemera collection on Chinese science, technology, law, and society, circa 1906-2010, bulk 1931-1981Series I: Books and Ephemera, 书册类, circa 1906-1986
1到0 / 贺宜写 ; 俞理画, 1960 Box 1, Item 32 Abstract Or Scope Publisher: 少年儿童出版社 view more view less C.V. Starr East Asian Library Ephemera collection on Chinese science, technology, law, and society, circa 1906-2010, bulk 1931-1981Series I: Books and Ephemera, 书册类, circa 1906-1986
第10幅. 婚姻, circa 1955 Mapcase b6, Folder c0011, Item 10 C.V. Starr East Asian Library Ephemera collection on Chinese science, technology, law, and society, circa 1906-2010, bulk 1931-1981Series IV: Posters, 海报, circa 1949-2010社會發展史. 第二組, 原始社會 / 編著者: 方詩銘 ; 繪圖者: 方泂, 劉旦宅, 王胤, 劉逸楓 ; 校訂者: 楊寬, circa 1955
第10张: II号喷油泵和调速器, 1977 Mapcase b6, Folder c0022, Item 10 C.V. Starr East Asian Library Ephemera collection on Chinese science, technology, law, and society, circa 1906-2010, bulk 1931-1981Series IV: Posters, 海报, circa 1949-2010东方红-75拖拉机结构挂图 / 洛阳东方红拖拉机厂编, 1977
第11-12幅. 熱學., 1949-1956 Mapcase b6, Folder c0002, Item 11-12 C.V. Starr East Asian Library Ephemera collection on Chinese science, technology, law, and society, circa 1906-2010, bulk 1931-1981Series IV: Posters, 海报, circa 1949-2010物理學掛圖. 第一輯 / 張開圻編 ; 葛興萼, 宋玉素繪, 1949-1956
工农-11型手扶拖拉机零件图册 / 上海工农动力机厂, 上海拖拉机制造厂编, 1968 Box 1, Item 90 Abstract Or Scope Publisher: 上海科学技术出版社 view more view less C.V. Starr East Asian Library Ephemera collection on Chinese science, technology, law, and society, circa 1906-2010, bulk 1931-1981Series I: Books and Ephemera, 书册类, circa 1906-1986