職業教育叢書 機器製造業大要, 1931 Request Abstract Or Scope Publisher: 科學編譯部出版 ; 商務印書館發行 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Ephemera collection on Chinese science, technology, law, and society, circa 1906-2010, bulk 1931-1981Series I: Books and Ephemera, 书册类, circa 1906-1986
怎叫憲法 / 民衆教育研究社編輯, 1931 Request Abstract Or Scope Publisher: 世界書局印行 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Ephemera collection on Chinese science, technology, law, and society, circa 1906-2010, bulk 1931-1981Series I: Books and Ephemera, 书册类, circa 1906-1986
怎叫勞動(一) / 民衆教育研究社編輯, 1932 Request Abstract Or Scope Publisher: 世界書局印行 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Ephemera collection on Chinese science, technology, law, and society, circa 1906-2010, bulk 1931-1981Series I: Books and Ephemera, 书册类, circa 1906-1986
怎叫勞動(二) / 民衆教育研究社編輯, 1932 Request Abstract Or Scope Publisher: 世界書局印行 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Ephemera collection on Chinese science, technology, law, and society, circa 1906-2010, bulk 1931-1981Series I: Books and Ephemera, 书册类, circa 1906-1986
怎樣經商 / 民衆教育研究社編輯, 1932 Request Abstract Or Scope Publisher: 世界書局印行 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Ephemera collection on Chinese science, technology, law, and society, circa 1906-2010, bulk 1931-1981Series I: Books and Ephemera, 书册类, circa 1906-1986
村制政治 / 民衆教育研究社編輯, 1932 Request Abstract Or Scope Publisher: 世界書局印行 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Ephemera collection on Chinese science, technology, law, and society, circa 1906-2010, bulk 1931-1981Series I: Books and Ephemera, 书册类, circa 1906-1986
家庭教育 / 民衆教育研究社編輯, 1932 Request Abstract Or Scope Publisher: 世界書局印行 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Ephemera collection on Chinese science, technology, law, and society, circa 1906-2010, bulk 1931-1981Series I: Books and Ephemera, 书册类, circa 1906-1986
百科小叢書. 租借地 / 金保康著, 1933 Request Abstract Or Scope Publisher: 商務印書館 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Ephemera collection on Chinese science, technology, law, and society, circa 1906-2010, bulk 1931-1981Series I: Books and Ephemera, 书册类, circa 1906-1986
小學生文庫. 石灰與水泥 / 徐應旭著, 1933 Request Abstract Or Scope Publisher: 商務印書館 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Ephemera collection on Chinese science, technology, law, and society, circa 1906-2010, bulk 1931-1981Series I: Books and Ephemera, 书册类, circa 1906-1986
小學生文庫. 第一集 (工業類), 火柴 / 徐應旭著, 1933 Request Abstract Or Scope Publisher: 商務印書館發行 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Ephemera collection on Chinese science, technology, law, and society, circa 1906-2010, bulk 1931-1981Series I: Books and Ephemera, 书册类, circa 1906-1986