Series IV is composed of Dunham's publications, workshops, and inventions, all of which are organized topically then chronologically. In the 1980s and 1990s, he attended a number of workshops on bamboo construction and solar energy in Myanmar and Thailand. Subseries 3 is concerned with his inventions related to solar energy and nocturnal radiation. Some of this work was conducted during his tenure at the School of Tropical Architecture (AA) and as a Fulbright Scholar. His research on solar cookers was carried out in partnership with John Duffie (the first director of the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Solar Energy Lab) and was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. Daniel Farrington was a frequent collaborator and correspondent. Included are a patent, research articles, "hand-made" bound volumes of research, United Nations reports on alternative energy, sketches, photographs, and correspondence. Some of this work was conducted during Dunham's consultancies, such as the solar distillers in Mauritania. On a humorous note are sketches for a hot dog cooker that Dunham made with his family on beach trips. Also present are regularly updated curricula vitae, which provide a thorough account of his various roles; as well as lists of his publications, consultancies, and built-works compiled by Mary Frances Dunham.