禽流感健康资讯, circa 2000s Request Abstract Or Scope 香港卫生署 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Collection on pandemic response and public health of China, 1911-2000sCollection on pandemic response and public health of China
毒品人員悔過登記表与相关通信, circa 1950s Request Abstract Or Scope *相关人员:王子和,黄旭东 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Collection on pandemic response and public health of China, 1911-2000sCollection on pandemic response and public health of China
校园内部安全, 2004 Request Abstract Or Scope 王顺义, 远方出版社 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Collection on pandemic response and public health of China, 1911-2000sCollection on pandemic response and public health of China
传染性非典型肺炎防治手册, 2003 Request Abstract Or Scope 北京市卫生局(供卫生防病人员专用) view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Collection on pandemic response and public health of China, 1911-2000sCollection on pandemic response and public health of China
公共危机启示录--对SARS的多维审视, 2003 Request Abstract Or Scope 冯惠玲 主编, 中国人民大学出版社 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Collection on pandemic response and public health of China, 1911-2000sCollection on pandemic response and public health of China
中华人民共和国传染病防治法, 1989 April Request Abstract Or Scope 上海市卫生局翻印 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Collection on pandemic response and public health of China, 1911-2000sCollection on pandemic response and public health of China
性教育漫谈, 1988 Request Abstract Or Scope (苏)科列索夫, 国际文化出版公司 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Collection on pandemic response and public health of China, 1911-2000sCollection on pandemic response and public health of China
除四害题解, 1986 Request Abstract Or Scope 雷鸣, 河南省爱国卫生运动委员会办公室 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Collection on pandemic response and public health of China, 1911-2000sCollection on pandemic response and public health of China
蒙医放血、针灸挂图, 1984 Request Abstract Or Scope 明安编, 张贵策绘, 内蒙古教育出版社 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Collection on pandemic response and public health of China, 1911-2000sCollection on pandemic response and public health of China
肝癌 (内部资料), 1983 Request Abstract Or Scope 上海市杨浦区肿瘤防治院 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Collection on pandemic response and public health of China, 1911-2000sCollection on pandemic response and public health of China