传染病是怎样传染的, 1951 Request Abstract Or Scope 苗鹤庚, 山东省人民政府卫生厅 山东人民出版社 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Collection on pandemic response and public health of China, 1911-2000sCollection on pandemic response and public health of China
传染病讲座, 1951 Request Abstract Or Scope 南京人民广播电台"卫生讲座"编辑委员会, 华东人民出版社 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Collection on pandemic response and public health of China, 1911-2000sCollection on pandemic response and public health of China
科學知識圖解 天花, 1951 Request Abstract Or Scope 上海市市立第二傳染病醫院 張孝秩醫師校訂, 中藝出版社 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Collection on pandemic response and public health of China, 1911-2000sCollection on pandemic response and public health of China
发挥群众智慧 扑灭病媒虫兽 (美本), 1952 Request Abstract Or Scope 中央人民政府卫生部宣传处 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Collection on pandemic response and public health of China, 1911-2000sCollection on pandemic response and public health of China
防疫常识, 1952 Request Abstract Or Scope 中华医学会, 人民出版社 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Collection on pandemic response and public health of China, 1911-2000sCollection on pandemic response and public health of China
乡村的夏季防疫, 1952 Request Abstract Or Scope 诸忍, 上海新亚书店 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Collection on pandemic response and public health of China, 1911-2000sCollection on pandemic response and public health of China
公共卫生概要, 1952 Request Abstract Or Scope 毕如刚, 郭祖超 编著, 商务印书馆 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Collection on pandemic response and public health of China, 1911-2000sCollection on pandemic response and public health of China
传染病报告须知, 1952 Request Abstract Or Scope 北京人民政府公共卫生局 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Collection on pandemic response and public health of China, 1911-2000sCollection on pandemic response and public health of China
传染病防治学, 1952 Request Abstract Or Scope 东北防疫委员会 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Collection on pandemic response and public health of China, 1911-2000sCollection on pandemic response and public health of China
新中国红十字会手册 发展会员参考资料, 1952 September Request Abstract Or Scope 中国红十字会北京分会 view more view less Collection Context C.V. Starr East Asian Library Collection on pandemic response and public health of China, 1911-2000sCollection on pandemic response and public health of China