Broadsides: Highlight Broadsides: Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Christopher Coover collection of literary & historical letters manuscripts and documents, 1589-1923Series IV: Maps, Books, Newspapers, Bookplates, Broadsides, Posters and Song sheets, etc.
Series IV: Maps, Books, Newspapers, Bookplates, Broadsides, Posters and Song sheets, etc. Highlight Series IV: Maps, Books, Newspapers, Bookplates, Broadsides, Posters and Song sheets, etc. Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Christopher Coover collection of literary & historical letters manuscripts and documents, 1589-1923
Three 19th Century Theater Broadsides: Boston Theater presents "Parepa Rosa", 19 January 1870; Olympic Theatre presents "Martin Chuzzlewit"; Olympic Theatre presents "The Streets of New York"., 19 January 1870 Request Highlight Three 19th Century Theater Broadsides: Boston Theater presents "Parepa Rosa", 19 January 1870 Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Christopher Coover collection of literary & historical letters manuscripts and documents, 1589-1923Series IV: Maps, Books, Newspapers, Bookplates, Broadsides, Posters and Song sheets, etc.Broadsides:
Three broadside songs: "Up in a Balloon"; "Emegrants Farewell to Donegall; "The English Courtship: Request Highlight Three broadside songs: "Up in a Balloon"; "Emegrants Farewell to Donegall; "The English Courtship: Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Christopher Coover collection of literary & historical letters manuscripts and documents, 1589-1923Series IV: Maps, Books, Newspapers, Bookplates, Broadsides, Posters and Song sheets, etc.Broadsides:
Broadside re. the Japanese game of Sho-Ho-Ye by D. S. Green, 7, September 1854 Request Highlight Broadside re. the Japanese game of Sho-Ho-Ye by D. S. Green, 7, September 1854 Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Christopher Coover collection of literary & historical letters manuscripts and documents, 1589-1923Series IV: Maps, Books, Newspapers, Bookplates, Broadsides, Posters and Song sheets, etc.Broadsides:
Lincoln, Abraham, Assassination. Nicbols, W.A.. Assistant Adjutant General. Broadside: General Orders No. 69. War Department, Washington. 17 April 1865. page, 12mo. Request Highlight Lincoln, Abraham, Assassination. Nicbols, W.A.. Assistant Adjutant General. Broadside: General Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Christopher Coover collection of literary & historical letters manuscripts and documents, 1589-1923Series IV: Maps, Books, Newspapers, Bookplates, Broadsides, Posters and Song sheets, etc.Broadsides:
The Merchant Outwitted: or, The Chambermaid's Policy. ("Let every brisk lover be constant and true ..."). N,p., undated [England, ca. 1690 ?]., undated, ca. 1690 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Christopher Coover collection of literary & historical letters manuscripts and documents, 1589-1923Series IV: Maps, Books, Newspapers, Bookplates, Broadsides, Posters and Song sheets, etc.Broadsides:
Almanacs: Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Christopher Coover collection of literary & historical letters manuscripts and documents, 1589-1923Series IV: Maps, Books, Newspapers, Bookplates, Broadsides, Posters and Song sheets, etc.
Bookplates: Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Christopher Coover collection of literary & historical letters manuscripts and documents, 1589-1923Series IV: Maps, Books, Newspapers, Bookplates, Broadsides, Posters and Song sheets, etc.
Books, etc.: Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Christopher Coover collection of literary & historical letters manuscripts and documents, 1589-1923Series IV: Maps, Books, Newspapers, Bookplates, Broadsides, Posters and Song sheets, etc.