Early years to May 1920; Kwantung Army, May-October 1920; military life in Kwantung, November 1920-June 1925; reorganization of army, Twelfth Division, June 1925-June 1926; the Ironsides on the northern expedition, June 1926-April 1927; second northern expedition and Nanchang Revolt, April-August 1927; Canton coup and communist revolt, retirement, August 1927-early 1929; relations with Kwangsi clique to May 1931, politics and travel to early 1936; Fukien-Kiangsi-Chekiang-Anhui and Kiangsi-Chekiang border areas, early 1936-July 1937; Shanghai and Wuhan campaigns, July 1937-38; Fourth War zone, late 1938-September 1939; Fourth War zone, October 1939-spring 1944; Fourth War zone and Vietnam, 1940-1944