American Philosophical Society Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series III: Endorsements and ProclamationsEndorsements of the Poets' Corner:
American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996 1.68 Linear Feet (4 document boxes) Creator Cathedral of St. John the Divine (New York, N.Y.) Abstract Or Scope Poets Corner is an ongoing cultural tradition important to the Morningside neighborhood as well as the commemoration of a range of American writers, not limited to NYC, but brought together under the aegis of a national cultural canon. view more view less Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library
Archbishop Edward Carpenter of Westminster Abbey Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series III: Endorsements and ProclamationsEndorsements of the Poets' Corner:
CD of musical selections played at Dedication service: Barber by Barbara Nissman, Bach by Michael Tree, reading of Emily Dickinson by Edgar Bowers, Schubert song by Marcus Haddock/Nissman, Bach by Rosalyn Tureck and a selection on soprano sax by Paul Winter and Paul Halley Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series IV: Dedication
Copy of Christian Science Monitor article, Guardian interview with Daniel Haberman by Linda Blandford Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series V: History
Copy of History of the American Poets' Corner- The First Three Years (1983-1986) by Daniel Haberman, published in Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series V: History
Correspondence (1983-1988) of Daniel Haberman with Dean James Parks Morton of the Cathedral. Details preparation of Dedication Ceremony, guidelines, etc. Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series I: Correspondence
Correspondence about Dedication Ceremony with Gregory Peck and Walter Cronkite Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series I: Correspondence
Correspondence of Daniel Haberman with Bishop Paul Moore, Bishop of NY Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series I: Correspondence
Correspondence of Sandi Mendelson, PR (background material for acquiring endorsements) (letters to Walter Cronkite, Juilliard School, Metropolitan Opera, Office of the President, Office of the Governor, Office of the Mayor, etc.) Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series I: Correspondence
Correspondence with Julie Harris and Eugene McCarthy Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series I: Correspondence
Correspondence with Lynn Chase & Marie Bullock (Academy of American Poets) Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series I: Correspondence
Correspondence with relatives of Emily Dickinson Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series I: Correspondence
Daniel Haberman Memorial Service at the Cathedral, 16 June 1996 Request Abstract Or Scope (preparation, publicity- includes correspondence with Julie Harris and Eugene McCarthy) view more view less Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series VII: Daniel Haberman
DVD of Poets' Corner Dedication Service –May '84- 2 versions (rough cut plus edited version) Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series IV: Dedication
Endorsements of the Poets' Corner: Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series III: Endorsements and Proclamations
Follow up correspondence and thank you's for endorsements from John Kenneth Galbraith (American Academy & Institute of Arts & Letters), American Philosophical Society, American Academy of Arts & Sciences and other organizations Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series I: Correspondence
Galway Kinnell/PEN American Center Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series III: Endorsements and ProclamationsEndorsements of the Poets' Corner:
John Kenneth Galbraith/American Academy & Institute of Arts & Letters Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series III: Endorsements and ProclamationsEndorsements of the Poets' Corner:
John Voss/American Academy of Arts & Sciences Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series III: Endorsements and ProclamationsEndorsements of the Poets' Corner:
Mailings from the Poet-in-Residence to the Electors Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series II: Electors and Induction
Marie Bullock/The Academy of American Poets Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series III: Endorsements and ProclamationsEndorsements of the Poets' Corner:
Martha Graham Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series III: Endorsements and ProclamationsEndorsements of the Poets' Corner:
NEA on behalf of President Reagan Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series III: Endorsements and ProclamationsEndorsements of the Poets' Corner:
New Yorker Cartoon of the Poets' Corner (featuring Dan Hoffman, Poet in Residence and Barbara Nissman, widow of Daniel Haberman), 15 November 1993 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series VII: Daniel Haberman
Original ballots submitted by the Electors to choose the poets for the American Poets' Corner. Includes suggestions by Electors for the inscriptions to be placed on the stones. 1984, 1985, 1986 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series II: Electors and Induction
Personal correspondence between Daniel Haberman, Poet-in Residence (1984-86) and Electors: Richard Wilbur, Robert Penn Warren, Dan Aaron, Eudora Welty, Edgar Bowers, Dan Hoffman (3rd poet-in-residence beginning in 1989.) Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series I: Correspondence
Photos from the Dedication Service Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series VI: Programs and Publicity
Photos of the Poets' Corner and the Service of Dedication Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series IV: Dedication
Poets' Corner (1986-1991) (details voting etc.)(DH served as an elector until his death) Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series II: Electors and Induction
Proclamation from the Governor of NY, May 1984 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series III: Endorsements and Proclamations
Proclamation from the Mayor of NYC, May 1984 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series III: Endorsements and Proclamations
Program for Memorial Service for Daniel Haberman, 16 June 1996 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series VII: Daniel Haberman
Programs of Vespers Services for the American Poets' Corner Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series VI: Programs and Publicity
Publicity received for the Poets' Corner Dedication Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series VI: Programs and Publicity
Series I: Correspondence Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996
Series II: Electors and Induction Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996
Series III: Endorsements and Proclamations Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996
Series IV: Dedication Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996
Series V: History Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996
Series VII: Daniel Haberman Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996
Series VI: Programs and Publicity Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996
The Cathedral Lecture Series (background etc., includes copy of lecture given by poet John Heath-Stubbs) Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series VI: Programs and Publicity
The Poets' Corner- Background material for publicity material to be sent out for Poets' Corner Dedication Ceremony (photos, program, elector's biographies, information about engraving of stones. Information about Westminster Abbey, etc.) Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series VI: Programs and Publicity
TLS review of the Poets' Corner plus printed response from electors: Richard Wilbur, Anthony Hecht & Daniel Aaron; response letter written by DH to TLS Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series VI: Programs and Publicity
Washington Irving- material for preparation of Induction Ceremony (November 1983) correspondence with Rev. Bill Eddy of, NY, Washington Irving Society, Cathedral plus publicity material Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library American Poets' Corner Archive, 1984-1996Series II: Electors and Induction