(Notable Correspondents Include: Noble H. Kelley, Southern Illinois University; George Walsh, Editor,Cosmopolitan; Cec Cinder, Editor, Utopia Publications; Brian Kirby, Editor, Brandon House; Jerry DeVincent, Editor,Verdict; Martin Grossack, Grossack Research Associates; Seymore Krim,Nugget Magazine; Isadore Rubin, Editor,Sexology Magazine; John Warkentin, Journal Editor,Voices: The Art and Science of Psychotherapy;The International Platform Association; Carnegie Institute of Technology;Fact Magazine; Psychology Club, College of San Mateo, California; Prentice-Hall, Inc.; Veterans Administration; Julian Messner, Inc. Publishers;The Realist; Janus Society of America;Journal of Marriage and Family; Charles C. Thomas Publisher; Dugald S. Arbuckle, Boston University; Grove Press; Aaron Beck; Herbert Michelman, Crown Publishers; Department of Health, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; Paul G. Neimark, Editor, New Classics House; State of Georgia, Milledgeville State Hospital; A.C. Spectorsky, Editorial Director,Playboy; Robert A. Wilson, Editor, Country Wide Publications; The Language Press; A & W Publishers, Inc.; Impact Publishers; The Fielding Institute, California; Zift-Davis Publishing, Co.; American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists, Washington, DC; Indiana School of Nursing; Springer Publishing; Russell Grieger, University of Virginia)